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To save you the trouble of all that searching, click Scottish Greens to see what their election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education. The more progressive income tax structure introduced by the Scottish Greens in Scotland is raising critical funds that are now…
To save you the trouble of all that searching, here’s what the SNP election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education – see text in bold. Defend free university tuition in Scotlan. The SNP is the only party that will protect students and defend…
To save you the trouble of all that searching, click Scottish Labour Party to see what their election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education: Page 69: We need a comprehensive review of Curriculum for Excellence, including broad general education and the senior phase.…
Teach the Future has sent an open letter to the next Prime Minister. Here is the first part. You can read the whole thing here. Dear Future Prime Minister, When you are elected, we hope you will be ready to make significant progress towards net zero: we have the technology, we have most of the funding…
To save you the trouble of all that searching, here’s what the Reform party election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education – see text in bold. Too many children and young people are being badly let down. Discipline, disruption and violence are huge…
Manifestoes – NAEE has looked at all the main parties’ manifestoes to see what they say about education and environmental education. You’ll find them here: Lib Dems – Labour – Conservative – Green – Reform UK – SNP* – Plaid Cymru. *not yet published. The latest Inkcap journal has a special focus on what the party manifestos…
To save you the trouble of all that searching, here’s what the Plaid Cymru election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education – see text in bold. Education holds the key to Wales’s future, and Plaid Cymru wants to create an education system where…
To save you the trouble of all that searching, here’s what the Labour Party election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education – see text in bold. How Labour will break down barriers to opportunity: Recruit 6,500 new expert teachers in key subjects 3,000…
To save you the trouble of all that searching, here’s what the Green Party election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education – see text in bold. A Fairer, Greener Education System Education should be about inspiring a love of learning and ensuring that…
To save you the trouble of all that searching, here’s what the Conservative Party election manifesto has to say about education, and about environmental / climate / sustainability / global / etc education – see text in bold. Education is the closest thing we have to a silver bullet, which is why since 2010 we…