Fox Myths
The University of Bristol’s mammal group has an informative page on the fox. It tries to dispel myths and legends about this iconic animal. Here’s the link.
The University of Bristol’s mammal group has an informative page on the fox. It tries to dispel myths and legends about this iconic animal. Here’s the link.
Project Dirt has issued its first news update of 2017. This includes: Walton Charity & Paragon Housing community allotment in Surrey is open to anyone who wants the chance to volunteer and learn some new gardening skills. If you want to get involved, you can find out how here. Transition Deal in Kent, are holding one of their regular…
Circle of Life has announced a series of activity days and camps for 2017. These include: OUTDOOR LEARNING DAYS Why not come and experience an outdoor learning day with your class at one of our beautiful woodland sites? Our outdoor learning days offer pupils the chance to explore nature and gain first hand experience of the natural…
Here’s a link to the latest Permaculture research digest. January’s reports included: The real revolution in America (book) The benefits of a primary school garden in Kenya (… Permaculture-based wetland water treatment (journa… The permaculture movement in El Salvador (#journal… Permaculture in business management (journal) The French Agroecolgy Action Plan (report) The benefits of agro-forestry…
NAAEE and its partners across North America have been conducting comprehensive literature reviews to explore the impact of environmental education on key outcome areas, and developing communication tools based on these reviews. Its first outcome is finished – eeWORKS: From Anecdotes to Evidence: Demonstrating the Impact of Environmental Education Stanford University’s analysis suggests that environmental education provides a wide array of benefits…
Circle of Life has announced its new CPD programme which you will find here. This includes: Play & The Outdoors 24th & 25th March Read more » An introduction to Outdoor Learning and the Curriculum 18th May Read more Trees as a Model for Learning 8th June Read more Games for Learning with Nature 14th June…
Do not miss Tim Gill in 2017, says Circle of Life because “Tim is the UK’s leading expert in Child’s Play and Risk.” Tim will be joined by Marina Robb, Director of Circle of Life Rediscovery and Author of ‘Learning with Nature‘. Circle of Life says: Across the world, adults are becoming ever more anxious about…
The National Geographic as well as having a bunch of pictures also carries data in infographics. Here is some detail from the Guardian.
Natural England is looking to recruit 11 new Secretary of State (SoS) appointed members to seven of the English National Parks and three (SoS) members to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Conservation Boards. These are: The Broads Authority Dartmoor National Park Lake District National Park New Forest National Park Northumberland National Park North York…
Today is World Book Day. What’s your favourite environmental education book of all time?