Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
There’s a new newsletter from the Countryside Classroom. There are features on the merging of LEAF and FACE, the new quarry trail at Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), the Manchester Environmental Education Network (MEEN) project Workshops for Wildlife, the launch of the Canal & River Trust of its own John Muir Schools Award encouraging children to discover, explore, conserve and share…
London’s Street Trees : A Field Guide to the Urban Forest, is a paperback by Paul Wood. This is what The Hive has to say about it: Most people would assume that the trees along the capital’s streets are London planes. That’s what street trees are? In fact, the magnificently green streets of London are in…
Natural History Wanderings is a US blog created by Sandy Steinman to share natural history explorations, especially wildflower travels and photos. The main emphasis is to share experiences. Recent posts include: California’s Forests Continue To Die After Years Of Drought Interior Secretary Proposes Shrinking Four National Monuments Mt. Rainier Wildflowers 8/24/17 Why Wildlife Corridors Are Important How To Talk…
1. Click here to read the latest newsletter from Garden Organic. There are features on tomato seed saving, the allium leaf miner survey, ways to switch to organic cultivation, and more … . And there is also detail on forthcoming courses. 2. The latest update from the Environmental News Network includes: Nearly 1 Million Pounds of Seven Deadly…
The next World’s Largest Lesson starts on the 18th September. Students are asked to consider the impact of their food choices on the SDGs. New resources from World’s Largest Lesson came out at the end of July and teachers are encouraged to organise lessons between 18th September and World Children’s Day on 20th November. Linking to the World’s Largest Lesson…
This is a link to the Nature’s Web of Life blog. There are posts on: CONSERVATION ISSUES – for example, What Is Our Excuse ??? Conservation Ethics – Guiding A Reluctant Human Race There Is No Reason To Kill Predators Ecological Literacy – The Path To Human Survival ENGAGING NATURE – for example, The Serene, The Pristine,…
A recent Environmental Education Feature was on Redesigning Plastics. This was one of a series of lesson plans from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation [EMF]. You can find more plans, as well as videos, graphics, articles and case studies in their circular economy resource map. EMF says, browse through and download the resources to get a better sense of how connected everything is.…
Recently, Houston’s Cedar Bayou suburb had 52 inches of rain in less that a week, courtesy of Tropical Storm Harvey; a new record for the US mainland. Meanwhile, a hemisphere away, and much less reported, more than 1,000 people died in this year’s monsoon with almost 700,000 homes destroyed in Bangladesh. As the Times reminded us (and chemists everywhere…
1. Communicate 2017 takes place on November 1 and 2 at Bristol Zoo. This is an annual environmental communication conference bringing together over 150 delegates each year to develop their skills, share best practice and debate latest issues in science communication, nature conservation and engaging people with the natural world. Its 2017 theme is Navigating Change: “In…
The Centre for Youth Impact is hosting its third annual gathering on 11th September in London. This follows two previous events that each brought together over 100 participants from across the youth and evidence sectors. It is a day for practitioners, researchers and funders with an interest in learning, evidence and evaluation in work with young people,…