ASE Best practice guides

NAEE’s two recent curriculum guides can now both be found in the ASE’s best practice advice to schools.  Getting access to them is tricky as ASE has made it complicated.  It’s best just to click on this: best practice environment & sustainability. This is how the guide begins: Since the 1970s public awareness of, and concern for,…

May 14 News Round up

Click here to find out what’s happening at Slimbridge over the coming weeks.  There are lots of educational activities.   This year, the International Day for Biological Diversity is May 22nd.  This year’s theme is “Celebrating 25 Years of Action for Biodiversity” which marks the 25th anniversary of the Convention on Biological Diversity and was chosen…

OECD update

This is a link to the latest OECD newsletter.  It contains Country reviews, including of Vocational Education and Training Apprenticeships in England   PISA in Focus   How has Internet use changed between 2012 and 2015? Education Indicators in Focus   How is depression related to education? Teaching in Focus   What does innovation in pedagogy look like? OECD Education Working…

Spike’s Best Nest

This is a brilliant big book to read to children outside.  A lucky charity shop find has become a book that I’ve used in various places for many different themes.  These have included reading it in a reception classroom followed by independent work making nest collages for Spike to sit in; and as part of…

May 8 News Round up

The latest Think Global newsletter contains features on: New data legislation       Education resources       Global Educator of the Year 2018 Fashion Revolution Week     TrustLaw and Think Global webinar   The Wildlife Trusts are running wild again in June and encouraging everyone to join in.  They say: Can you do something wild every day throughout…

9 changes to stop climate change?

A Woodland Trust blog by Laura Cottam has this headline: How to stop climate change: nine changes to make today.   It begins: Climate change is well and truly happening and that is the inconvenient reality.  Rising temperatures around the world have largely been due to increase in carbon dioxide and other man-made emissions in the…

April 30 News Round up

World Press Freedom Day takes place on 3 May.  The Global Learning Programme (GLP) says that you can mark the event with your pupils using a Key Stage 3/4 resource on exploring the right to freedom of expression it has developed.  This resource supports citizenship and English lessons by exploring the right to freedom of expression and whether it has limits. It…

The pathways to nature connection

We mentioned Miles Richardson a couple of weeks ago.  He says that the pathways to nature connection are: Contact – The act of engaging with nature through the senses for pleasure e.g. listening to birdsong, smelling wild flowers, watching the sunset. Beauty – Engagement with the aesthetic qualities of nature, e.g. appreciating natural scenery or engaging…

Resources suggested by Natural England

Here are more links from Natural England, this time to recent resources.  This supports the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All in order to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and practice in these areas. The following caught our eye: #NatureForAll is…

April 23 News Round up

Frog life is holding a toad summit on 19th June to discuss toad conservation.  There will be a variety of speakers from academics and from community-focused practitioners, including talks from Froglife patron, Jules Howard, and conservation evidence research associate, Dr Silviu Petrovan.   Registration and other details here.   The Wildlife Trusts website sets out long lists of things to do in…