Personal stories of transformation

Mairi Kershaw, Chair of the South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition, contributes today’s blog post. “A person whose goal is self realisation is helping to change the world at its most fundamental level, such people are perhaps the ultimate revolutionaries”  This quote dates back to 1996. In this century, however, social networking has facilitated an…

Letter to No. 10

c/o The Guardian, here is a letter that “ten leading UK charities concerned with protection of the environment”   sent to the Prime Minister late last month.   The authors say they … “are writing to raise a major concern.  On the basis  of the decisions made by your ministers in the first period of this government, we have concluded that…

World population in 2050

The Economist reports on a UNDP report that sets out likely global population (by country) in 2050. You can choose to see the data by graph, map or in data files. The headline figures show that while Europe’s population will fall (from 2015 to 2050) by    about 4%, that of Africa will rise by over…

Earth and Space

The NAEE web team thinks that it’s the environment on planet earth, and our dependency on it for the quality of our lives, that should be our most pressing concerns, given its parlous state. However, that doesn’t mean that we don’t think about what’s going on outside the biosphere.  Here’s an animation from the European Space Agency illustrating Andreas Mogensen’s…