Zoos in Education

Allison Price, with contributions from Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Conservation Education Committee, asks: How can we mobilize a national network for improved conservation education? Imagine you have a network of educators distributed at more than 225 zoos and aquariums throughout North America. It’s a pretty diligent group that serves more than 400,000 teachers and reaches 15…

Tracking & Sign Training

  If you like having fun, getting muddy knees, and getting to know your wild neighbours, this may be the course for you. Workshops, on Saturday August 22nd and Sunday 23rd will try to bring out the Sherlock Holmes in you.  Through a range of exercises and games, you can explore how to recognise different tracks and…

India’s Voluntary Nature Conservancy

NAEE President, Bill Scott, met Dhaval Patel from the Voluntary Nature Conservancy, VNC,  last week to talk about environmental education in India and the UK. VNC is based in Vallabh Vidhyanagar in Gujarat, and began its work as a charitable foundation in 1988.  Its activities are wide-ranging, including: Nature Education Camps An Outdoor Experiential Educational Programme Observational Outing on Sunday Mornings A Reptile…

What do you think about Glyphosate?

From the Soil Association:   After a very successful glyphosate scientific briefing in Westminster (See this), the Association has launched its ‘Not in our bread’ petition to tell major supermarkets and bread manufacturers that we don’t want glyphosate residues in what we eat. A link to their petition is here,  or you can share via the Soil Association Facebook page and…

The Bristol Sustainable Schools Conference

You can read comments about the outcomes of the sustainable schools conference in Bristol on the SSA website.  These are from headteacher Neil Jones, who’s a member of the SSA management board, and a SEEd Trustee.  Neil blogs here. His comments begin … The National Sustainable Schools Conference was held at Bristol University Students Union on July 2nd.   This year…

Latest NAEE journal published

NAEE has published its new journal, Environmental Education Vol 109, for its members.  Its contents include a number of regular features such as the President’s Column, and reports from NAEE-sponsored field work by schools.   Feature articles this time include: Investigating soils in the primary classroom – Tracy Atkinson Discover Superworm in your local forest – Rachel Giles Soil…

When a bird hunts a butterfly

Butterfly Conservation News says this, about one of our most common (and dazzling) butterflies … “The Small Tortoiseshell is a common garden species but you are most likely to find this butterfly amongst the weeds and wild areas than in the formal flowerbeds.   Females lay their eggs on nettles and at night both sexes…