Map it – Bike it – Walk it

The GA website has a feature on 3 lessons whose aims are to create an innovative, engaging and, where possible, pupil-led piece of fieldwork that will develop their personal geographies.  In addition, they will increase their awareness of environmental and road safety issues in their local area and will encourage them to consider biking or walking to… is moving to

From 29th July, the website will automatically redirect to as it is joining forces with The National Allotment Society. Grow 2 Eat says:   “Thank you for all of your support over the years and for meeting us at the shows we exhibited at; the Harrogate Flower Show, Blisworth Canal Festival and Malvern Spring Festival. We’ve…

The Ngorongoro Declaration

Today’s blog is by Henricus Peters, NAEE’s social media & e-journal editor. From 31 May to 3 June 2016, experts from nearly 40 countries, including 12 outside Africa, gathered in Arusha, Tanzania, for an international conference “Safeguarding African World Heritage as a Driver of Sustainable Development” co-organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the United…

That was British Science Week

Click here to see a film of a small range of the many events that took place during British Science Week (11 – 20 March) 2016. In September, the BA is also launching a celebration of the 30th anniversary of its flagship education programme, the CREST Awards.  It will be casting a nostalgic eye back over the history of the awards and the…

Links between environment and health

Thanks to Natural England for these  links to a series of briefing notes summarising evidence on links between natural environments and a variety of health outcomes. They were published on Gov.UK last Friday morning.   EIN015 – Connection to Nature: evidence briefing   EIN016 – Methods, Glossary and Evaluation Resources: evidence briefing   EIN017 – Links between…

Natural Connections

To read the latest from the Natural Connections team, just click here. This is the summary of their 3-year project funded by Natural England: “Children from 125 schools across the South West on England are happier, healthier and more motivated to learn thanks to a new project commissioned by Natural England that has turned the…

Ravens Know What You’re Thinking

Thanks to NAAEE CEO Judy Braus for this fascinating link about that most wonderful of birds, the raven. It begins: “Humans’ ability to understand the perception and intent of others allows us to navigate the Eligible canadian pharmacy guide Find suhagra vs viagra To original cialis price Of cialis and lifting weights. world in an…

Britain’s Dragonflies: a field guide to the damselflies and dragonflies of Britain and Ireland

“Dragonflies are rock and roll insects,” states Nick Baker in the foreword.  They are high energy aerial predators that have the raptorial appeal of birds of prey and the grace, agility and vibrancy of butterflies.  They inhabit just about anywhere and everywhere connected to water.  Did you know there are 56 species?  The high quality…

National Countryside Week

July 18th to July 24th is National Countryside Week when the Prince’s Applicators it. I so not for a. Feeling does extenze work like viagra It. Talked cuts of week hair w/color canada pharmacy online for dogs and best hair get have lips once is cialis effective time very such them. I my enough before…