World wetlands day

February 2nd was World Wetlands day, and we forgot to tell you. Never mind, here’s a link to a useful list of the World’s Days, some of which may well be helpful.  World Wetlands Day marks the 1971 Convention on Wetlands that was established to educate people about the importance of wetlands and what they mean to humanity and the…

Otters, Toads and Frogs

Here’s a story from bioGraphic about the otter: Although most European otters (Lutra lutra) tend to prey primarily on fish, some have developed a taste for frogs and toads—a food choice that requires some deft preparation.  Because common toads (Bufo bufo) have toxins in both their skin and the glands on either side near the…

LEEF Manager

LEEF  – the London Environmental Education Forum – is looking for a manager.  So, if you are an outgoing, organised, self-motivated individual with the capacity to lead and grow projects, and if you have experience in and a passion for Environmental and/or sustainability education, then this might be for you. This is a 3 day a week…

Children and Nature Research Digest

Click here to read the latest Children and Nature Research Digest. This is a new and welcome venture from CN&N, and there are features on: Creativity     Education     Environmental Concern     Families     Mental health     Physical health and activity     Play     Social justice For example: Nature imagery promotes creativity High school students viewing…

School Farms Network Education Alliance Conference

The inaugural School Farms Network Education Alliance Conference will explore the critical role farms in schools have in supporting the development of a holistic education approach, as well as access, success and progression in higher education. Where: Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester When: Friday 30 June 2017  0930-1630 – Conference (followed by a gala dinner and Awards ceremony), and…

Rotary’s endangered species project

Here’s a reminder about Rotary’s endangered species project which NAEE is pleased to be associated with. Teachers are invited to encourage their students to participate in an endangered species project and design and produce a leaflet showing how arctic animals particularly Polar bears are affected by Climate Change. Students are also encouraged to produce a depiction of a polar bear…

Life afloat: educating kids by boat

Lynda Ralph is Head of Community at the Traidhos Three-Generation Barge Program which has worked in Thailand in environmental education for 20 years. Today, we are all undeniably citizens of a global world. From the clothes we wear and the food we eat, to the technology we communicate through, we are dependent upon global resources, a global workforce, global transportation…

Countryside Classroom

You will find the latest news from the Countryside Classroom here. It has lots of features including: the RHS Campaign for School Gardening, Garden Organic’s resources for schools, CAT’s new quarry trail, Food Growing Schools in London (FGSL), and  the RHS Spotter Guide resources what are now available to download in Welsh.