Reaction to the 25 Year Plan

We’ve been covering the government’s 25 year plan for the environment this week with a couple of blogs by NAEE trustees Justin Dillon and Morgan Phillips.  Here is a sample of other views out there: RSPB – Martin Harper – Good news for a Thursday “If, like me, you believe that politics can change things for the…

More on the 25 Year Environment Plan

The government launched its 25 Year Environment Plan last week, and we heard the views of NAEE’s President, Prof Justin Dillon about it on Tuesday.  Today, we hear from NAEE Trustee Dr Morgan Phillips.  What follows is a shortened version of what appears on Morgan’s website. Last week, DEFRA launched their long-awaited environment plan: ‘A Green Future:…

The GA Conference

The 2018 GA conference takes place at Sheffield Hallam University from Thursday April 5th to Saturday April 7th.  There will be over a hundred sessions including workshops, lectures, field visits, ‘teacher-to-teacher’ sessions, and debates. The programme is summarised here: Thursday programme at a glance Friday programme at a glance Saturday programme at a glance Full Programme The Conference…

Science for Environmental Educators

ASE’s Midlands Conference is on Saturday 3rd March [9:00 to 12:45] at Derby University in the Kirtley Building, Kedleston Rd, Derby, DE22 1GB.  There will be a session on Practical approaches in Environmental Education by Lee Jowett who is Environmental Education Coordinator at Leicester City Council. ASE says: Lee will show you opportunities to use resources and activities which support…

EO Wilson and the needs of the Earth

The Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy [CASSE] issued a blog by Brian Czech on January 8th that featured the latest project from EO Wilson: Nature Needs Half.  The blog starts: WE NEED NATURE.     NATURE NEEDS HALF.     ERGO, WE NEED NATURE TO GET HALF. Half of what?  The planet.  That’s the essence of E.O.…

More on John Muir

We mentioned the John Muir Trust before Christmas.  Here are a few more highlights of recent activities: A new Literacy & Nature Resource Guide highlights how nature and the outdoors can inspire and support literacy skills.  It includes links to resources that have a natural theme or are specifically adapted for the outdoors, along with…

Doughnut Economics

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think like a 21st Century Economist, by Kate Raworth, was published in early April.  The Resilience website has a quick summary of what the book is about, this is a YouTube overview, and here is brief (17 minute) explanation in an RSA video. These are Raworth’s 7 ways: 1. Change the goal: from GDP…

You say you want a resolution

Today’s blog is from Ben Ballin who chairs the West Midlands Sustainable Schools Network – @wmsussch – It is written in Ben’s personal capacity It’s that time of year again when people look back on what they have achieved in the preceding twelve months and vow to do better in the following ones.  In that spirit, I have come up with…