Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

The case for a natural history GCSE

Today’s blog is by Paul Steer, Head of Policy at OCR.  He writes in response to an earlier blog on these pages by Melissa Glackin.  As ever with our blogs, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the thinking of the Association. Firstly, I’d like to thank Melissa Glackin for engaging with OCR’s proposals for a Natural History GCSE,…

March 22nd 2021

70% of teachers – A research report has been published detailing what UK teachers think about the current state and future of climate education. It was commissioned by Teach the Future. Its headline finding is that 70% of teachers feel they have not received adequate training to educate students on climate change, on its implications for the…

March 15th 2021

A Shared Vision for the Future. – The Manifesto for Education for Environmental Sustainability website is now live, and UK-based teachers and 16 to 18 year olds are able to sign up for online, free workshops which will form the basis for the creation of the Manifesto. This is part of the BERA research commission on…

Mud and MEEN: urban ES education in the post-industrial landscape of Manchester

Raichael Lock, Manchester Environmental Education Network (MEEN) As Maria Puig de le Bellacasa1 argued recently in her plenary at the Royal Geographic Society Conference in London, ‘soil’ is a perfect metaphor for our troubled relationship with the ‘Earth’. So, that means, for urban ES educators, teaching about mud is more important than ever. In Manchester, the…

Arguments for Hydrogen

Today’s blog is by Serene Esuruoso who is a consultant on future energy systems. Prior to this, Serene served as Secretary for the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association. During this time, she supported members in understanding and enhancing the prospects for hydrogen and fuel cells and played a key role in driving the acceleration…

March 8th 2021

Student-led Change – If you missed the BBC 1 Countryfile programme on Sunday night, you can catch it again on i-Player. About 10 minutes into the programme you’ll find a feature on what presenter Tom Heap variously called eco education, nature education and environmental education. It featured NAEE Fellow, Dr Melissa Glackin of King’s College…