Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Questions about the boundaries of environmental education have existed since its beginnings. Here’s what the North American equivalent to NAEE says: “Environmental education is a process that helps individuals, communities, and organizations learn more about the environment, and develop skills and understanding about how to address global challenges. It has the power to transform lives…
NAEE Manifesto Launch – NAEE launched its Young People’s Learning and the Environment Manifesto on April 28th. The manifesto aims to build on existing work in schools and colleges to further stimulate change in thinking and practice, and thus help to better prepare young people for the social and environmental challenges they will face through their lives. The Manifesto sets…
NAEE launched its new manifesto last night to help young people meet the environmental challenges of the future. It aims to build on existing work in schools and colleges to further stimulate change in thinking and practice, and thus help to better prepare young people for the social and environmental challenges they will face through…
The optional GCSE in natural history has a key role in delivering the DfE’s sustainability and climate change strategy. Here’s a selection of comments about it taken from the OCR website. Climate emergency and the steady decline of nature – Dom Higgins, Head of Health and Education at The Wildlife Trusts. Why it is imperative that…
DfE has translated its sustainability and Climate Change strategy into a policy paper. Here are a few comments so far on the strategy: University of Reading Phys.Org Independent Education Today BBC Schools Week NEU Teach the Future Sec-Ed the voice for secondary education The National Governance Association The Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years…
Last week, the DfE formally announced that the Natural History GCSE proposed by OCR will go-ahead. In this post, Melissa Glackin, an NAEE Fellow, shares the response from the Environmental Education Research Group at King’s College London. This is a slightly updated post that was originally published in 2020 when OCR was consulting on its proposals. As…
There have already been a number of posts about the DfE’s approval for the GCSE in Natural History, and its role within the DfE’s new strategy. The one comes from OCR, the examinations board sponsoring the new course. As ever with our blogs, what is written here does not necessarily represent the views of the…
DfE Strategy Launch – The DfE published its strategy on sustainability and climate change this week. You can read the policy paper that accompanied this here. . The DfE Strategy – You can read what DfE says about its strategy here. . Reactions to the DfE Strategy – Here are views from the National Governance Association, Teach the Future and the NEU. You’ll find others here. As more…
Anyone who was at the launch of the DfE’s sustainability and climate change strategy in London’s NHM last night could have been under no illusion about the centrality of the GCSE in natural history to the strategy. In curriculum terms, there was little else on offer – apart from the model primary science curriculum, but…
DfE has now translated its Sustainability and Climate Change strategy into a formal policy paper. This says that the strategy applies to: the Department for Education (DfE), its agencies and public bodies the education and children’s services systems in England – including: early years schools (and independent schools where applicable) further education higher education children’s…