Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

LEEF Events

LEEF is a network for London’s most innovative and passionate urban environmental educators whose members are committed to improving the quality and quantity of environmental education delivered to Londoners.  You can follow its activities on Twitter @LondonLEEF. You can find out more about LEEF and what it does here, and these are two forthcoming events: Swap…

Latest NAEE journal published – Vol 110

NAEE has published its latest e-journal, Environmental Education Vol 110, for its members. Contents include a number of regular features such as the President’s Column, reports from NAEE-sponsored field work by schools, book reviews and webwatch.   Feature articles this time include: Hardwick Dene interpreted  Steve Ashton Connecting young people to wetlands  Rachel Carless Engaging…

Grow Wild

Organisations and community groups across the UK are being invited to apply for funding of £1,000 to £4,000 from Grow Wild to create inspiring spaces.  If you apply before 1 December 2015 you could receive funding in March 2016. Grow Wild is looking for projects that use native wild flowers and plants innovatively to bring colour…

Learning for sustainability and the sustainable development goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals & Learning for Sustainability: implications & opportunities for Scotland’s schools This seminar, on the 5th of November at Moray House School of Education, Edinburgh, is for those in the third sector, and in local and national government with an interest in Learning for Sustainability in schools. The seminar will: explore the contribution of Education to…