Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
How can Wales decarbonise faster? This is a question that is being answered by an independent group that was commissioned by the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru in 2022. The group is made up of academics, business people, third sector and public sector employees and is looking at pathways to Net Zero Wales by 2035, fifteen…
This is a press release from Tide~ Global Learning. Tide~ global learning is a network of teachers and educators. The Elephant Times is our magazine. At the time of COP27, we began a series of online conversations about the educational implications of climate change. This engaged teachers, academics, and education leaders, culminating in two events in…
Rewired – Last week, Teachers for the Planet launched a website with 100 global climate education solutions. Green Schools Project’s Zero Carbon Schools programme is featured alongside others from the UK. It was launched at the Rewired summit at COP28. . Requires Improvement – The House of Lords Committee on Education for 11–16 Year Olds has published its latest report:Requires improvement: urgent…
Today’s post is by Kate Greer who is a researcher whose work focuses on environmental education, its policy, and related issues of justice. Kate’s environmental education career has included roles in government and non-government organisations in Australia and the Southeast Asia and Pacific region. She currently works in the UCL Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education. “Everything, everywhere,…
The PM at COP28 – Click here to read a transcript of the PM’s address to COP28. Here are some comments: SKY News – The Guardian – BBC – Independent. . COP HUB – The Ministry of Education of the UAE, in collaboration with the Greening Education Partnership and its secretariat at UNESCO, will launch the first ever Greening Education Hub. The hub will host more than 200 side…
This post updates an earlier one from July 2022 which focused on the teaching of climate change in schools, building on what we [NAEE] had already published. This update bring a focus on net zero into play. Additions are [ in square brackets ]; there have also been slight edits to the original text. In…
COP28 Guide – The Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit [ECIU] has produced a visual guide to COP28. John Lang says that this year’s summit represents the climax of the Paris Agreement’s first Global Stocktake on climate action. A course correction is necessary and desirable, but is it achievable? . Education at COP28 – You can view education events that are taking place…
Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin. Before his retirement, Richard led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies. His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by…
Mock COP student staff are about to head to COP28 and will be running and participating in several events focusing on climate education. Some youth delegates from the Mock COP26 Summit and our Mock Education Ministers Summit will also be attending, sharing the Youth Statement on Quality Climate Education and the Mock COP26 treaty. Watch out for: 3 December…
SDG Playbook – In partnership with law firm Irwin Mitchell, the UN Global Compact Network [UK] has developed an SDG Playbook for SMEs, a guide for smaller companies to unlock the competitive advantages of embracing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You can download the report here. . Listening to Rob Hopkins – If you missed last week’s NAEE AGM you can…