Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Changing climates, different cultures, school curricula and children’s perceptions

What can talking and walking with children in different parts of the world tell us about how humans are responding to changing climates, and what does this mean for school curricula? In a recent comparative study of children’s perceptions and articulations of place in the UK, Mexico, Mongolia, and Alaska[1], we explored children’s experience of…

IUCN Briefing

Here’s a recent IUCN briefing that includes: Bururi: the link between heaven and earth The Bururi Forest Nature Reserve in Burundi was previously considered to be the link between heaven and earth. The ancient Burundians attached great importance to forest conservation, especially mountain forests. Several mountain forests were protected and used as a place of worship, while…

A round up from Natural England

This link will take you to a round up by Natural England of research relating to outdoor learning.  Specifically, it is “a round up of recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items. This supports the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors…

Practical Action resources

Practical Action has resources that bring  different subjects together by focusing on particular issues. It has science, design and technology and STEM resources that focus on global issues such as energy, climate change and disaster risk reduction.  These include lesson plans, power points, activities, posters, challenges, images, videos and games all set within a global context.  There’s also a STEM challenges for…

Forest School Refresher programme

Circle of Life announces three training days: OUTDOOR COOKERY Monday 12th June For beginners and experts alike.  An opportunity to extend your outdoor cookery skills, explore different cooking methods, make snacks which can be achieved in short forest school sessions, complete an outdoor cooking risk assessment and consider basic food safety regulations. TREES, PLANTS &…

Communicate 2017: Tools for Success

The Communicate 2017 conference will be held on 1 & 2 November 2017 at Clifton Pavilion at Bristol Zoo Gardens. The organisers say: “As communicators we are constantly crafting behaviours and building social movements with a diverse toolbox of immersive narratives, pioneering platforms and pervasive insights. As environmental pressures continue to intensify and these tools evolve to meet…

30 Days Wild

The Wildlife Trusts ask: Can you do something wild every day throughout June?   They add: “That’s 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness.  A Random Act of Wildness is about making time to connect with nature around you, or doing something small yourself to help nature.  Random Acts of Wildness are all…

The false laws of physics

Old economics is based on false ‘laws of physics’, but new economics can save us, says Kate Haworth in a recent Guardian article that begins: “Things are not going well in the world’s richest economies.  Most OECD countries are facing their highest levels of income inequality in 30 years, while generating ecological footprints of a size that…

Chocolate Planet

According to Think Global, this Easter people in the UK were set to spend around £400 million on chocolate. TG says that each year we consume an average of 10kg of chocolate – that’s two 100g bars a week.  However, that amount still only puts us 7th worldwide.  Switzerland is in first place followed by Austria, Ireland, Germany, Norway and…

ENSI Update

The latest newsletter from ENSI can be read here.  Its articles include: United Nations announces young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth 2017 International Essay Contest for Young People – Learning from Nature Learning to live together sustainably (SDG4.7): Trends and Progress