The Green Schools Project

Today’s featured blog is that of the Green Schools Project. You can see a short video here which explains what Green Schools is about.  There is a lot of emphasis on employment, green skills and leadership, and on student projects.  There’s less emphasis on the curriculum.  In fact, there’s none at all.  Just as there’s…

The Countryside Classroom in June

The Countryside Classroom says that its twice-termly newsletter will keep you up to date with the most recent additions to the site, upcoming events and training opportunities and bring you stories from partners and contributors.  The latest headline stories are: Countryside Classroom will be delivering a panel session at this year’s Telegraph Festival of Education taking…

Environmental News network latest

These are the latest headlines from the Environmental News network: Is Climate Changing Cloud Heights? Too Soon to Say Researchers find monetary value of air quality in China New Tool May Assist US Regional Sea Level Planning Following Recent Surge, Wind Now Generates 5.5 Percent of U.S. Electricity NCAR to develop advanced wind and solar…