Monday Round up – December 18 to 29

1. NAEE brings you news from the other end of the earth.  If you click here, you’ll see a range of publications from Education Outdoors New Zealand.  EONZ has a commitment to fostering and advocating for quality outdoor learning experiences which can educate for a sustainable future.  Its mission is to increase participation in quality outdoor learning experiences, and…

A Big Green Dream in schools

The ScottishPower Green Energy Trust is inviting pupils from year S1 and S2 in Scotland or Year 7 and Year 8 in England and Wales to use their creativity to tell them about their school’s Big Green Dream.  From putting renewable energy to good use or introducing eco-initiatives, the Big Green Dream could help make schools more…

It’s so cool being an Eco-School!

Today’s Guest Blog comes from Karen Davies, Partnerships Co-ordinator at Stafford Borough Council. Stafford Borough Eco-Schools Network continues to thrive!  The last meeting of the Summer term was held at Weston Road Academy in its refurbished ‘eco-classroom’.  Guest speaker, Prof Tausz from Birmingham University, spoke about ‘Norbury’s Unique Forest Experiment’ a world leading research project looking at the…

Community Environmental Education

LEEF says Come and chat urban about environmental education over a cup of tea.  Our first reading group on ‘Sense of Place’ was held in November and it turned out to be an interesting and thought-provoking discussion.  This is a brilliant opportunity to reflect and explore how big ideas about Environmental Education connect to hands-on practice…

Post-Sustainability and Environmental Education

Post-Sustainability and Environmental Education – Remaking Education for the Future is a new book.  The publisher says that it: “provides a critique of over two decades of sustained effort to infuse educational systems with education for sustainable development.  Taking to heart the idea that deconstruction is a prelude to reconstruction, this critique leads to discussions about how…

STEM workshops on the green economy

Groundwork London is currently offering schools STEM workshops Linked to the Key Stage 3 Science and Geography Curriculum on the topic of the Green Economy.  The programme, ‘Welcome to the Green Economy‘  – funded by Our Bright Future, will engage 700 young people across 70 secondary schools in London and show them how to undertake environmental audits…

Sustainability Science: key issues

Routledge says that its new book, Sustainability Science: Key Issues, … “is a comprehensive textbook for undergraduates, postgraduates, and participants in executive trainings from any disciplinary background studying the theory and practice of sustainability science.  Each chapter takes a critical and reflective stance on a key issue or method of sustainability science.  Contributing authors offer perspectives…