The 2018 GA conference takes place at Sheffield Hallam University from Thursday April 5th to Saturday April 7th. There will be over a hundred sessions including workshops, lectures, field visits, ‘teacher-to-teacher’ sessions, and debates.
The programme is summarised here:
Thursday programme at a glance
Friday programme at a glance
Saturday programme at a glance
Full Programme
The Conference has six pathways pathways with different routes:
- Primary – this pathway will provide you with information, ideas and resources for planning and teaching primary geography.
- GCSE – this pathway will provide you with information, ideas and resources for planning and teaching your GCSE courses.
- A level – this pathway will provide you with information, ideas and resources for planning and teaching your A level courses.
- Fieldwork – this pathway is for those who want to develop ideas and resources for creative learning outside the classroom and have an interest in fieldwork progression.
- Beginning Teacher – this pathway is aimed at trainee teachers, NQTs and those at an early stage in their careers and will address issues and needs by providing practical advice and guidance.
- Global Learning – this pathway has a Global Learning focus and will provide you with suggestions and resources for developing a different and global perspective in the classroom.
You can book here.