August 5th Report

Each state-funded school in the North of Tyne Combined Authority area [ Newcastle city, North Tyneside and Northumberland ] will receive funding to train one member of staff as a United Nations accredited climate change teacher.   The authority is working with the creators of the eduCCate Global Teacher Academy United Nations Climate Change (UNCC). UNCC approached the…

The SDG Bookclub

This is an extract from the reading list of the UN SDG Bookclub: Razia’s Ray of Hope Razia and her family live in a small village in Afghanistan where a new school for girl’s is being built. Razia is very excited about the chance to learn but it will take all her courage and confidence…

UK Student Climate Network Newsletter 1

This is the first newsletter from the UK Student Climate Network [UKSCN].  We shall bring you future editions when they’re published.* Youth Strike 4 Climate #6 On Friday 19th of July, the UK once again saw thousands of students take to the streets in over 70 locations to demand climate justice in our 6th national…

July 29th Report

The Green Schools Project is launching a new ‘Climate Action’ programme in September and is looking for a small number of schools to run a pilot. This is a series of CPD sessions that focuses on building a whole-school ethos that addresses the climate crisis and allows schools to respond to it through a creative and purposeful…

Save the Planet from Plastic

The Rotary / NAEE Heart of England Save the planet from plastic schools competition ended with an extensive exhibition that was launched by the Lord Mayor of Coventry, Councillor Linda Bingham, and the Rotary Heart of England District Governor, Saroj Bala Jaspal, at the end of June.  The exhibition comprised six large collages constructed from plastic bags and other plastic objects.  A…

July 22nd Report

Six Primary Schools in Western Uganda which are seeking partnerships with schools in the UK.  All of these schools are in a mountainous area, close to one of the National Parks where mountain gorillas can be found.  They all have a strong commitment to the environment, and would like that shared commitment to be a…

Keeping Northern Ireland Beautiful

Today’s bog is by Ian Humphreys, CEO of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. For decades Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful has been championing the often disparaged subject of litter.  But now, through research and TV shows such as Blue Planet II, the ramifications of our convenience and throwaway lifestyles are being fully understood.  Even something as simple as plastic pollution…

July 15th Report

There’s an ASE sustainability teachmeet on Wednesday [ July 17th 1600 to 1830 ] at the The University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus LE12 5RD   You can go and present a short item, or just come to listen, start a discussion and take away new ideas.  You don’t have to be an expert – we just want to hear…

July 8th Report

In 2016, Norway’s Parliament decided to revise all subject curricula and this was enacted in 2018.  This involved Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Education (both general and vocational strands).  One aim was to reduce the content of the curricula, to better allow for pupils’ in-depth learning and understanding.  Existing subjects are kept, but the content will be changed. Priority is…