smallGEEP – the Global Environmental Education Partnership – asks if you have any recently published resources, innovative programmes, forthcoming opportunities, or other updates you want to share with the GEEP network?  The next issue of GEEP News is coming out in mid-September so please send submissions to no later than August 31. 


Meanwhile in the UK, a secondary geography teacher is developing a 12-lesson scheme of work on climate change.   The scheme is designed to be taught to students who’ve already been introduced to the concept and have a reasonable understanding of the science behind anthropogenic climate change.  The purpose is to develop students’ understanding of broad philosophical questions which often arise in everyday life and are regularly discussed in the media.  He welcomes feedback and ideas.  You can access it via Google Docs 


There is now a Facebook group in support of the climate strikers at the UK student climate network UKSCN.  29 members so far. 


Here is a link to the Ecologist’s take on the recent IPCC report on land use.  For balance, here’s a perspective from the Economist.  For an entirely different set of possibilities have a look at Solein.  That is, food created (grown is not quite the right word) out of CO2 (ideally carbon-captured), electricity (renewable of course), water and vita-minerals. 


It’s not too late to book for CLOtC’s National Conference 2019: Beyond the Classroom.  In addition to keynotes from Phil MinnsHarry Bates, and Paul Rose, there will be two panel sessions:

Learning on your doorstep: how to embed regular Learning Outside the Classroom experiences into the everyday.
* Rachel Tranter, Director, GEM
* Mike Hamilton OBE, Director, Commando Joes
* Matt Robinson, Training Director, Learning through Landscapes Scotland
* Taff Bowles, Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel member
* Emily Marchant, Phd Researcher, Swansea University
* Julie Chambers, Headteacher, Willaston CE Primary School

Discussion Panel 2: Learning further afield: how progressive residential experiences bring a broad curriculum to life.
* Steve Craven, Managing Director, NST Educational Travel Group
* Iesha Small, Head of Strategy, YHA
* Asa Gurden, Chair, Learning Away Consortium
* Sarah Atkins, Midlands Regional Representative, Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel
* Jon Clarke, Shadow Head, Walsall Academy

And 46 practical workshops.   You can book your tickets here. 


Here are a number of other forthcoming conferences:

The Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference
28 – 30 August, London

Conservation Optimism Summit
2 – 4 September, Oxford

Restoration science relevant for action
23 – 24 September
Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire 


SEEd says a big thank you to everyone who completed its sustainability attitudes surveys in May.   The findings will be published on its Sustainability Attitudes page in September.  Completed surveys were received from: 1,304 young people over 12, 20 Children under 12, and 382 adults. 


The Science Geek is relaunching his blog with a new name: Explaining Science.  It will primarily consist of articles on astronomy, space and space travel written at a level which is easily accessible to the non-scientist but without being dumbed down.  


Climate Action has a report on the chemicals routinely used in the fashion trade.  


There’s yet more evidence of the exploitation of the tiger, some of it from captive breeding programmes.  See the Skin and Bones report from the UK conservation organisation, Traffic.  Its wildlife conservation newsletters can be found here. 

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