September 6th 2021

Zero Carbon Schools – The Green Schools Project has announced the next stage of its Zero Carbon Schools Programme that will be available from September. The programme is fully funded and will provide 50 schools with an educational opportunity to involve pupils in the school’s journey towards zero carbon emissions. The programme includes plans and resources for a series of 30…

Plantlife blogs

Plantlife is a British conservation charity working nationally and internationally to save threatened wild flowers, plants and fungi . It owns nearly 4,500 acres of nature reserve across England, Scotland and Wales, and has 11,000 members and supporters. HRH The Prince of Wales is the charity’s Patron. Plantlife’s conservation experts work with landowners, businesses, conservation…

August 30th 2021

Action through Learning – From 16-18 November, Learning for Sustainability Scotland (LfSS) will be hosting the 12th Global RCE Conference. LfSS is part of an international network of UNU-recognised Regional Centres of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development and this prestigious virtual event will bring together 180 similar Centres from across 62 countries. The Conference…

Ecosystem Restoration

NAAEE says that World Environment Day 2021 was all about ecosystem restoration, and documentaries are a great way to express the range of what that can look like. It says that, from rainforests in India to the island of Wasini, here are six powerful short films to watch with your students.  A recurring theme throughout is the…

Secondary Inset Video Participants

These are the organisations that were involved in producing the 60 minute INSET video for secondary schools that was released yesterday. There’s a brief biography and links to their websites. The UK Schools Sustainability Network (UKSSN) is an umbrella organisation, hosted by Transform our World, of regional grassroots networks from across the UK and with links…

August 23rd 2021

Climate, Emotions and Curriculum – A new 60-minute secondary school climate / sustainability INSET video sets out to provide a brief overview of the key issues and why all school staff need to take action. Follow-up resources are listed. The video is here. It covers Climate Science (with AimHi), Emotions (with Thoughtbox), School Operations (with Let’s Go Zero), Curriculum (with the NEU), Partnerships…

Wildlife and Countryside Link

Wildlife and Countryside Link is the largest environment and wildlife coalition in England. It brings together 61 organisations to use their strong joint voice for the protection of nature. Members campaign to “conserve, enhance and access our landscapes, animals, plants, habitats, rivers and seas.” Together it brings the support of over eight million people in…

August 16th 2021

6th IPCC Report – Last Monday, the latest report on the physical science of climate change was published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This gave world leaders the most up-to-date information about climate change to inform their policies and decisions around COP26.  It is the outcome of a five-year review by more…

A Collective Noun of Blogs

Is there a collective noun for blog posts? Maybe not, but perhaps there ought to be. Inevitably of course, there are blogs about collective nouns; see for example, this. So, what might be the collective noun for blog posts? – A writ perhaps – given the ever-present chance of litigation. – A breath maybe –…