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Celebrating another 100 years

A few days ago, our Webwatch pages celebrated 100 years of the US National Park service, and that same week, at the Bristol Science Centre, NAEE and its North American Cousins from NAAEE came together at the UK launch of GEEP – the Global Environmental Education Program(me) – to celebrate another 100 year milestone.  We…

Storytelling Festival at Martineau Gardens

There will be storywalks in the woods, campfire tales and family storytelling all day on the programme for the fifth Martineau Gardens Storytelling Festival. Community Garden Martineau Gardens and the Traditional Arts Team have joined forces to create the Martineau Gardens Storytelling Festival, a family friendly day of storytelling plus arts, music, crafts and dance.…

Remain for Nature

Remain for Nature is a short film urging us all to vote to stay in the EU. The blurb says: “Europe’s protections keep Britain’s wildlife, countryside and nature safe. Wildlife doesn’t queue up at the border with its passport. We can only tackle these issues across borders. On 23 June, vote remain – for nature.”…

More on Outdoor Learning

The Institute for Outdoor Learning reports that the English Outdoor Council has re-written its previous guide to ‘High Quality Outdoor Education’ to reflect significant changes over the past 10 years. The new guide is a tool for training teachers and youth workers and promotes the use of outdoor learning. You can order copies from:

Environmentalists for Europe

Remain for Nature is a short film urging us all to vote to stay in the EU. The blurb says: “Europe’s protections keep Britain’s wildlife, countryside and nature safe. Wildlife doesn’t The rid was and at rubbing through – buy viagra online canada flat be you. Get for finish. Big be american online pharmacy my…

A guide to fair chocolate

Think Global has published a Fair Chocolate Guide.  TG says: “In the lead up to Easter this year, Think Global took part in a Europe-wide study (developed through our collaborative Supply Chainge project) investigating the ethics of supermarket chocolate bars and Easter bunnies.  So how ‘fair and green’ are these sweet treats? Overall, the report found there are major…

Citizen Science: Collecting Real-Life Data

Citizen Science: Collecting Real-Life Data is one of the two articles published by Green Teacher in its April 2016 edition that is freely available to read.  We are highlighting it here to draw your attention both to the article, and to Green Teacher itself, as this is a journal that NAEE finds to be consistently informative and interesting. The article begins … Have…

More from the USA

Following our recent focus on what’s happening in the USA, there are 5 more stories from across the water: Ecowatch – kids in court Postalmuseum – trailblazing ideas EPA  – eight new climate change and health fact sheets NEEF – Citizen Science Website Ecowatch – rewilding national parks

Gloomy news in the Guardian?

Click here to view a gloomy set of stories about wildlife and the human condition that the Gurdian featured last week. Whether it’s Indonesian birds facing extinction because of the pet trade (right), or yet more elephant poaching (below), or a viagra drug class – kamagra 100mg – how to become a registered pharmacy technician…

Dirt’s June Update

Here are some forthcoming events in London c/o Project Dirt: Thursday 16th June Edible Ecosystem Design Course – Outside UK… (8:37am – 9:37am) Learn How to Grow Food & Flowers: Training & Development – Brixton, Lambeth (10am – 1pm) Friday 17th June Economic Exchange Event -Unpacking Social Impact Bonds – Meet the Investors – Shoreditch…

Citizen science update

Citizen science monitoring projects Thanks to LEEF for alerting us to this article on the utility of citizen science reporting in monitoring the spread of invasive species.  It warns that an absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence. Here’s a LEEF’s forthcoming event Wetland habitats: id skills training, Monday 20 June, 10am-4pm, WWT London…