Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
NAEE has published its obituary on Vice-President Anne Kenrick whose personal vision and benevolence gave rise to the Association’s Hugh Kenrick Bursary Scheme. This is her abiding legacy. Written by Executive Director Nina Hatch, the obituary charts the development of Anne’s interests in the natural world and environmental education, and her links with NAEE. ∫∫∫ . CJS, the Countryside…
Anne Kenrick MBE (1923 – 2020) It is with sadness that we record the passing in a care home of Mrs Anne Kenrick who has been a Vice President of the Association since 2012. In that year, and in memory of her late husband Hugh, she donated his entire charitable trust fund to benefit the…
Anglia Ruskin University is running free webinars for teachers, teaching assistants and educators. The overall theme is Changing the World One Lesson at a Time: Environmental and Sustainability Education, and each has been developed with a specific focus and will comprise three short presentations followed by the opportunity for Q&A and discussion as follows: Webinar 1: Outdoor Education Thursday…
Joanna Lindsay is the Conservation Officer for Buglife Scotland; Laura Larkin is a Conservation Officer for Buglife. They write here about the Marvellous Mud Snails project with schools in Cornwall and Scotland. The Pond Mud Snail (Omphiscola glabra) is a modest mollusc, by all standards. With its less-than glamourous name and murky brown shell that rarely…
Ben Ballin writes: Back in January, NAEE trustee Morgan Phillips offered his stimulating thoughts on reframing environmental education. This blog is intended to complement his contribution, and indeed it especially concerns itself with the value of adopting complementary approaches. In writing it, I have gone ‘back to the future’ and revisited ideas that I shared in the…
Lucy Mottram is Waste Education Officer for Devon County Council. She is a trained teacher with experience working in farming, ecology and sustainability in the UK, Greece and Italy. She writes here about her plastic pirates project. “So you’re a rubbish teacher!” said the young son of a dear friend when I described what I did. And,…
Every half-term members of the Burnet News Club explore a different issue in the news. Teachers receive a fully-resourced 6-hour scheme of work on each issue, including inspiring multimedia news content and engaging activities which can be used across the curriculum. Each issue addresses important social and political questions, and presents different perspectives and ideas to…
Today’s post is an extract from a blog on the ECOJUST website. It’s by Pauline Verheij who posted it in February, before the global impact of COVID-19 became clear. As such, the opening section’s data are being overtaken repeatedly on a daily basis. The post makes clear that given the globalised nature of the wildlife trade, this is not just…
The deadline for features in the latest CJS Focus on Environmental Education & Outdoor Activities is May 1st. You can secure free space in this CJS publication in association with the Countryside Education Trust. Its readership, estimated at 100,000, is involved in countryside, environmental & wildlife conservation across the UK; many work in environmental education…
Here is a selection of resources that youngsters everywhere might enjoy and learn something from. All of these activities can be experienced without leaving home. It has been compiled by Henricus Peters, NAEE’s on-line journal editor: #DoTheRightThing Insects / minibeasts Buglife charity has resources on beetles, bees, butterflies, moths, and dragonfly The Royal Entomological Society runs National Insect Week each June…