Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
11 April 2016, 0930 – 1100, London At this event, hosted by the ESRC’s The UK in a Changing Europe (UKiCE) Initiative, leading practitioners will debate the findings of a landmark independent report on the implications of a Brexit for the UK’s environment. The EU has had a profound impact upon UK environmental policy and…
The Natural Connections project is drawing to a close, and its final report will be published on July 14th, with and they will be sharing the key findings and learning points from the evaluation at a meeting in Bristol on that day. Meantime, NC can be followed on Twitter or via their blog.
In The New Wild: Why Invasive Species Will be Nature’s Salvation, Fred Pearce argues that trying to keep out alien species looks increasingly flawed and that we should celebrate the dynamism of such species and the novel ecosystems they create. Further, in an era of climate change and widespread ecological damage, we should be finding ways to help nature…
The programme for the 2016 GA conference is now on-line. The main programme takes place on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 April with the free Public Lecture, ‘Association at Work’ events, and Awards Ceremonies take place on Thursday 7.
FACE has a new Springtime Activities booklet. It contains ideas for games, walks, hands on making projects and classroom activities, and sets out to provide inspiration for teachers and outdoor educators to get out and about spotting the signs of Spring. You can download it here.
NEEF has announced that April 17 to 23 is National Environmental Education Week – at least in the USA which is where NEEF operates. This is NEEF’s 12th annual EEWeek, and this one is sponsored by Samsung. It is the USA’s “largest celebration of environmental education”, and NEEF invites environmental educators of all kinds, teaching…
Photographs on the Arkive website have helped naturalists identify two previously unrecorded species of magnolia. In 2010, Roberto Pedraza Ruiz gave Arkive a series of photos he had taken in a cloud forest within eastern Mexico’s Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve. One was identified as being the magnolia, Magnolia dealbata, classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. But…
Click here to see the latest from the Permaculture Association. It includes features on People’s Food Policy People Centred Design Steward Community Wood
Canada geese tend to get a bad press. As Simon Barnes says in a column for a recent Spectator, “… they’re noisy, filthy and polluting and far too efficient at breeding.” Barnes adds that he rather admires them for this. After all, they are rather like us. For more on geese generally, and our relationship with…
Put Up a Paradise is one of the two articles published by Green Teacher in its February 2016 edition that is freely available to read. We are highlighting it here to draw your attention both to the article, and to Green Teacher itself, as this is a journal that NAEE finds to be consistently informative and interesting. The article begins … On…