Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Outdoor Learning Training Days

Circle of Life has announced the following CPD events: Thursday 14th April Nature Connection – Exploring Natural Cycles plus Inspirational Activities and Games. Join us at the beginning of Spring in the Sussex Woodlands. This training day will bring alive the core routines of deep nature connection, giving attendees embodied experiences of games and activities that…

Linking food, waste and the curriculum

A LEEF training  event – Creating sustainable schools: linking food, waste and the curriculum – will take place on Tuesday 26 April, 1000 to 1600 at Groundwork Hackney, in London. It will focus on the links between sustainability, food growing and waste prevention. There will be case studies, hands on activities including a textile waste activity suitable…

What’s happening to our bees?

FACE has a new resource in its controversial issues series. It has been produced to help young people: Learn about declining bee populations and consider the use of pesticides, in particular neonicotinoids Understand the different problems facing honey bees and wild bees Judge the bias and reliability of different sources of information Draw their own…

The Journal of Environmental Education

The Journal of Environmental Education is the oldest of the journals focusing on environmental education research. It began life in 1969 as “Environmental Education”, and changed its name in 1971 to much its growing focus on research activity. It’s known across the world as “J.E.E”. It says this about itself: ” JEE is a research-oriented,…

Remembering a founding father

Although John Smyth died over 11 years ago, in 2005, his contribution to environmental education lives on. An obituary in the Herald Scotland painted a picture of his life and work, but there are many of us today who can add anecdotes to what this says about him. John’s contribution was national and international, and…

The New Wild

In The New Wild: Why Invasive Species Will be Nature’s Salvation, Fred Pearce argues that trying to keep out alien species looks increasingly flawed and that we should celebrate the dynamism of such species and the novel ecosystems they create.  Further, in an era of climate change and widespread ecological damage, we should be finding ways to help nature…