Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Global learning – lenses on the world

Tide~’s new resource “Global learning – lenses on the world‘ is now available online. It addresses questions about poverty and wealth; hunger and food; and sustainable development. It has five free downloadable sections, supported by over 80 additional downloads, and is available in both English and Spanish. The resource shares work from Tide~’s three year project ‘Young people…

The Burntwood Lecture

The IES 2016 Burntwood Lecture is to be given by Baroness Parminter.  Her title is: Separation anxiety: The challenges for the environment from Brexit   The organisers say that this lecture series provides an opportunity for an eminent speaker to talk on a current, critical and often controversial environmental theme to an invited audience from the professions, universities and government.  In this…

Everyone needs green spaces

The Guardian reports a new YouGov survey commissioned by Groundwork which reveals the stark fact that 30% of 16- to 24-year-olds from lower income families say they never visit a local park – more than double the number from higher income families.  The importance of green spaces to young people’s social and physical development is well understood.…

From bare to beautiful

As part of Groundwork’s Active Neighbourhoods project in Birmingham, local residents wanted to make their area in Alum Rock more useful and attractive in the form of a garden. The existing site was a simple green triangle between the junctions of several roads. After an initial site visit, Groundwork’s Landscape Designer produced a design proposal. The scheme…

The Guardian asks …

Has hope become the most endangered species in conservation?  Adding: As wildlife continues to decline around the world, conservation has become a bleak calling. Can a new Optimism Summit help reframe the mission to save life on Earth? Jeremy Hance begins his article with this: “Want to hear a sad story? You could read this article of…

Wildlife Gardening Forum

Thanks to LEEF for alerting us to the Wildlife Gardening Forum International Conference on Wednesday 23rd November at the Natural History Museum in London. This is a ground-breaking (literally and metaphorically speaking) conference and will involve speakers from Germany, Belgium, Holland, Ireland and the UK, addressing  the theme of “What European Wildlife and Nature Gardeners can learn…

Yes! we can

Yes! Magazine has a feature by Jill Suttie on How to raise an environmentalist. It says that: “Encouraging children to form an emotional attachment to nature may be key to protecting our planet’s future”, and we know that this is a popular sentiment. But this is a more thoughtful piece than you often find about…