Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Brundtland 2.0

Here’s Ronald Rovers again.  This time the blog is about the need to think again about what Brundtland said. It begins: “Maybe its understandable, but in fact a kind of ‘national narcism’: Solving the climate change problem, while maintaining all modern comfort and luxury, gained over the past 150 years by depleting an plundering resources…

Making Connections with Nature conference

The 2017 Learning for Sustainability: Making Connections with Nature conference, hosted at Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus, will take place on Friday 12 May and is organised by City of Edinburgh Council in partnership with the Learning for Sustainability Scotland task group – Connections to Nature. The aims of the conference are to enhance the practice of those working within Learning for…

Learning away

The February issue of the Learning Away newsletter is now available. In it you can read about the Champion School scheme, find out about the launch the #BrilliantResidentials campaign in Scotland, take part in a CPD survey, and book on to a new workshop run by notdeadfish to help residential providers better understand the changing school landscape. Here’s a taste ……

ENSI update

The latest update from the ENSI programme is available here. Its main focus is on SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, but there are also features on: Germany: The ESD Curriculum Framework, which was developed together with the German Standing Conference of the Education Ministers, is now part of…

Developing a Global Learning School

Developing a Global Learning School – online course Think Global’s next six-week series of online twilight sessions for teachers kicks off at the end of this month (28th February), and there are still a few places available. Catherine Richardson, the Think Global Programme Manager who delivers the course, says:  “It’s a great way for teachers to build their…

Outward Bound Blogs

The Outward Bound Trust publishes blogs on a wide range of issues that are relevant to its work.  Its most recent one was on the “death of the graduate”, and looked at the issue of apprenticeships and recruitment to the outdoor learning industry. Other recent ones were on: Maths and the Mountains Education Investor Awards and…

FEN conference update

Here is more detail on the Forest Education Network conference on March 23rd.  FEN says: The Forest Education Network (FEN) invites everyone with an interest in forest education to this special CPD event at FSC Bishops Wood Centre on Thursday 23rd March 2017.  Forestry is the growing and management of trees for wildlife, people and the economy;…

A tree is not just for Christmas

Here’s Dutch blogger Ronald Rovers reflecting on our use of Christmas trees and the issue of what’s best: ‘real’ or artificial ones – or artificial real ones.  It’s complex enough to write this, but much more so when you get into the issues, as RR does.  Here’s the link. We’ll be featuring more from Ronald’s blog…