CT_Yorkshire_res_5The February issue of the Learning Away newsletter is now available. In it you can read about the Champion School scheme, find out about the launch the #BrilliantResidentials campaign in Scotland, take part in a CPD survey, and book on to a new workshop run by notdeadfish to help residential providers better understand the changing school landscape.

Here’s a taste …

Become a Learning Away Champion School

We will be forever indebted to the Learning Away coordinators and participating staff at all the partner schools who engaged in the first phase of the Learning Away action research.  Their continued commitment to extending and developing their residential offers, engaging with the evaluation, and sharing what they learned through a period of significant national change was inspiring and we are delighted so many of these schools continue to champion ‘Brilliant Residentials’.  We know there are many more schools providing high-quality residential experiences. We want to officially recognise all those schools striving for their residentials to fulfil the Brilliant Residentials criteria and share their good practice.  We want champion schools to help us campaign for brilliant life changing experiences for young people, by displaying the Champion Schools logo and working with us to share their knowledge and experiences to spread the Brilliant Residential message (whether online, through articles or at events).

If you would like your school to become a Learning Away Champion or you know a school who would be suitable please get in touch with Kim Somerville at learningaway@lotc.org.uk

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