Meet the DfE’s New Ministers

Bridget Phillipson is the new Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities. Her team comprises: Soon to be Baroness Jacqui Smith is Minister of State for Skills Catherine McKinnell is Minister of State for School Standards Janet Daby is Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families Stephen Morgan is Parliamentary…

July 22nd 2024

Tyger, Tyger – Global Tiger Day is celebrated on July 29th to raise awareness about this endangered big cat.  You can download WWF’s free printable tiger activity sheets for students to take part in this wild day, including a word puzzle, maze game, mad lib, and more.  Also explore other learning resources in WWF’s full toolkit. . Youth Award – Applications are now…

DfE Curriculum and Assessment Review

The DfE has said that a broader, richer, cutting-edge curriculum that drives high and rising schools standards and sets all young people up for life and work will be central to the government’s vision for education, as it launches its wide-ranging Curriculum and Assessment Review. Spanning from Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 5,…

Remodeling the Plane while you are flying it – Part 1.

Today’s post is by regular contributor, Richard Jurin. Before his retirement, Richard led the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, where he launched a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by NAEE.…

July 15th 2024

To all working in early years, children’s services, schools, further and higher education – Here is the open letter that the new Secretary of State for Education sent out last week. In it she says that she is “determined to drive change together”. You can subscribe to receive all such communications at the open letter…

Teach the Future’s Asks

Teach the Future has a recent blog setting out what it wants the new government to do. Written by Freddie Emms, it begins: “Yesterday, many of us around the country used our voices to speak up for issues we care about, and voted for the candidates that we feel will stand up for climate education…

July 8th 2024

The Case for Global Learning – DERC, along with over 30 educational organisations from across the UK, has written an advocacy paper calledThe Case for Global Learning.  This is intended as a call to arms, setting out the facts and urging wide support for the schooling community to address the issues facing our planet in a concerted…

Reframing Climate Education

In a post for the BERA blog, Stephen Scoffham wonders whether it is time to start thinking about reframing climate change education. This is how his post begins: Teaching pupils about climate change and sustainability is problematic. Simply confronting them directly with the facts can be both disturbing and unsettling but trying to conceal or…

July 1st 2024

Election Update – NAEE has looked at what, if anything, the party manifestoes have to say about education and environmental education.  You’ll find them here: Lib Dems – Labour – Conservative – Green – Reform UK – SNP – Scottish Labour – Scottish Greens and Plaid Cymru. Teach the Future has analysed some of the party manifestoes to see where they stand on climate education and the need to rebuild and retrofit schools.  You…

Sustainability Sidelined

Today’s post is by David Dixon, NAEE Trustee and author of Leadership for Sustainability: saving the planet one school at a time (Crown House Publishing, 2022). David is Tynedale’s Bicycle Mayor. As usual with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily shared by the Association.  I often travel by a train which takes me…

PLANT-LIFE, a Walk with Nature

PLANT-LIFE, a Walk with Nature is a new book by Edward Bent and self-published with Pages: 240 ISBN: 979-12-210-0957-6 Price: £21.00 online. Is there anyone in the world who does not have some kind of interaction with the plant kingdom? Consider the food we eat, the landscapes we enjoy, the flowers we value for their…