20th September 2020

Tracking Changes – Last Friday, Teach the Future launched its Tracked Changes Curriculum Review.  This ‘first-of-its-kind’ report reviews the curriculum for key stages 3 and 4 in the English National Curriculum, covering subjects ranging from History to Art and Design.  Using a ‘tracked changes’ methodology the report suggests where and how the national curriculum can be amended to include sustainability and respond…

Science for the Unscienced

Today’s post is by Geoff Chapman who trained as a botanist, and worked at the University of the West Indies studying tropical plants. and at the University of London’s Wye College. He has published numerous books, for example: Reproductive Versatility in the Grasses, Grass Evolution and Domestication, and The Plant Life of China: Its Diversity and Distribution. During lockdown, with…

12th September 2022

The End of the Elizabethan Era – To mark the death of the Queen and the end of the second Elizabethan Era we have a published a list of 50 significant events with an environmental or environmental education focus.  This looks at the changes that have occurred over her reign and at some of the significant events that have taken…

More from Natural England

Here’s a further update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration…

Check out UnChecked UK

The following is a letter sent to the two Conservative Party leadership candidates at the end of August from Unchained UK. Unchained was incubated by The Ecology Trust, a grant-making charity established in 2003. It seeks to tackle the root causes of environmental and societal problems that makes the case for “common-sense protections which help keep…

5th September 2022

ESD for 2030 – Based on the lessons learned from the previous Global Action Programme (GAP), UNESCO has developed the ESD for 2030 framework and Roadmap.  This is a global framework for the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development for the period 2020-2030.  To support this global framework, UNESCO, with the support of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust (JFIT), is launching a new…

TEESNet Conference Update

This week’s news round-up had an update on the 2022 TEESNet conference on September 28th. Here is more detail of the paper presentations: Understanding the factors affecting engagement with issues of climate change and sustainability, including social media, through case study research across schools Exploring ‘eco-capabilities’ at the intersection of concerns about children’s wellbeing, their apparent disconnect…

Bioneers and Youth

Bioneers is a nonprofit organization that highlights what are felt to be breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet. Founded in 1990 in Santa Fe by social entrepreneurs Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons, it acts as a hub of social and scientific innovators to create practical solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social…

29th August 2022

Changing Track – Teach the Future has announced the launch of its Tracked Changes Curriculum Review.  This reviews key stages 3 and 4 in the English National Curriculum, covering subjects ranging from History to Art and Design. Using a ‘tracked changes’ methodology the report suggests where and how the national curriculum can be amended to include sustainability and respond to the climate emergency…

Learning, play and development review

Here’s a recent update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration…

Young Reporters for the Environment Awards

The finalists of the 2022 Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) International Competition have now been assessed by the International Jury, and the awarded entries have been selected.  This year, the YRE programme received more than 230 entries from 35 countries. Organisers say that the number and high quality of journalistic pieces submitted to the YRE International Competition show…