Green Light SouthWest

Green Light SouthWest is hosting an ESD Teachmeet on March 2nd from 1630 to 1830 at the University of Bristol University.  The meet is open to teachers  and educators of all phases and the emphasis will be on sharing ideas, good practice, and pedagogy from across the region. Speakers  and topics include: Professor Justin Dillon – ESD Current context for…

Magic Breakfast

The Magic Breakfast project provided 106 schools with support and resources to offer a free, universal, before-school breakfast club, including to all Year 2 and Year 6 pupils.  The aim of the project was to improve attainment outcomes by increasing the number of children who ate a healthy breakfast.  The schools in the project were…

UKSSD annual conference

The focus of this year’s UKSSD conference (28th Feb & 1st March) is how to translate the ambition of the 17 SD Goals (and 169 targets) into transformative action for the UK. UKSSD supports organisations who are working to advance sustainable development in the UK. Its focus and strategy is informed by the expertise of its partners.  It…

Education for Responsible Entrepreneurship

ERE is another acronym to keep up to date with.  It stands for Education for Responsible Entrepreneurship which is “an alternative approach to enterprise education”.  “These troubled economic times mean that we need enterprising people now more than ever. Fresh thinkers who spot opportunities, apply their entrepreneurial talents and overcome the obstacles to make their ideas…

Rotary’s endangered species project

Here’s a reminder about Rotary’s endangered species project which NAEE is pleased to be associated with. Teachers are invited to encourage their students to participate in an endangered species project and design and produce a leaflet showing how arctic animals particularly Polar bears are affected by Climate Change. Students are also encouraged to produce a depiction of a polar…

What’s Under Your Feet?

The British Trust for Ornithology is working with EDF Energy to see ‘What’s Under Your Feet’ The Trust says: We know little about the distribution of soil invertebrates across Britain or which factors influence their abundance such as climate and soil type. Engaging schools in this project provides an excellent opportunity to answer these questions,…

The big bang fair

The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair is the largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) for young people in the UK.  It says that it’s an award-winning combination of exciting theatre shows, interactive workshops and exhibits and careers information from STEM professionals. The 2017 Fair will be held at the NEC, Birmingham…

Project Dirt events

Here’s the latest from Project Dirt including details of: Dartmouth Park in West Bromwich are looking for volunteers to help maintain the sensory garden in the park each week and clear space for their new flower beds. Interested? Abbey Gateway Skills Club are looking for volunteers in Devon to support adults with learning disabilities in a variety of activities. School Farms…

Acorn Ecology courses

 Acorn Ecology has some eco-training news.  Click here for a list of ecology courses that include: Badger Ecology and Surveying—Guildford Friday 17th March Otter Ecology and Surveying – Exeter Monday 20th March Phase 1 Habitat Survey – Guildford Wednesday 19th April Bat Ecology and Surveying—Exeter Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th April Bat Sound Analysis Using Analook—Exeter…