Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

The latest from Natural England

Here’s a round up of evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and practice in these areas: Nature…

July 30 – News Round-up

NAAEE is working with partners at Stanford University, the University of Florida, and the Children & Nature Network to get a better sense of how environmental educators and other professionals think about nature.  You can help by responding to this short survey.   Butterfly Conservation says that the Big Butterfly Count is now on, running from July 20th to August 12th.…

July 23 – News Round-up

Learning Away has a new CPD training programme to help put together brilliant residentials which is going live in September.  This has been developed with teachers and the modules draw on the real-life experiences and learnings from schools.  The programme has two strands, one for the school leadership team and one for teachers.  The programme aims to help develop…

The Summer Green Teacher

The latest Green Teacher (Vol 116) has been published.  Here are the contents: Maskwi’omin: A Birch Bark Antibiotic by Matthias Bierenstiel, Tuma T.W. Young and Kathy Snow Bringing Western and Indigenous methods to the science classroom The Wild About Vancouver Festival by Elizabeth Beattie and Hartley Banack An annual outdoor education festival that encourages everyone to…

June 16 – News Round up

Registration is open for the 47th  NAAEE annual conference in Spokane from 10 to 13 October.  It will focus on the power of education to create positive change for the future. NAAEE says: “EE is a force for building a more civically engaged citizenry. It’s a force for creating a more diverse and inclusive movement.…

Environmental Education Vol 118

The Summer 2018 edition [ Vol 118 ] is now available to members c/o the NAEE website.   This has been edited by Henricus Peters and Juliette Green and has a focus on Literacy.  Its contents include: Ecoliteracy – David Whitley Teaching literacy outside – Juliet Robertson Persuasive writing about plastics – Julie Williams Green story competition – Denise Baden The next generation of…

July 9 – News Round up

London’s Natural History Museum says it’s all a flutter about scientists studying the way dragonflies fly in the hope of making small planes more stable and robust.  It adds: “Dragonflies are some of the most mobile insects on the planet. They can control the angle and speed of each of their four wings independently to…