Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Here’s the full text of the letter sent by Teachers for Climate Truth (part of XR) to the DfE: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) told us last October that we have 12 years to radically change every aspect of society if we are to avoid disaster. Highly regarded scientists, like Peter Wadhams, have highlighted…
Today is Earth Day. On April 22, 1970, millions of people took to the streets to protest about the negative impacts of 150 years of industrial development. Earth Day is now a global event and probably more than 1 billion people in 192 countries will take part this year. It’s a day of political action and civic…
Today’s blog is by Rachel Cook a PhD student at King’s College, London who volunteers with the Lambeth Natural Thinkers project and with LEEF, the London Environmental Educators’ Forum. It is an interesting paradox that no one speaks more loudly than young people when they have been persistently silenced. Thanks to young peoples’ direct action to demand greater environmental action from the…
Click here to here what the NUS said to Ofsted about its new inspection framework. This was a key point: “Given the environmental and sustainability is popular with students, we see it as enriching the curriculum, and something that positively contributes to student achievement.” As far as we can see, only NAEE is calling on Ofsted to do the…
My favourite book to use with children! The colourful illustrations appeal to young children, but there is sufficient information about each of the 20 featured bird species to engage older ones as well. Each bird has a ‘Guess Who’ page, which gives clues to help identify the species—for example: ‘This bird likes being around gardeners.…
Last week we featured the NAEE response to Ofsted’s consultation on its proposed revisions to its inspection framework. This is the response by NUS to Ofsted: “We welcome the proposal to introduce a quality of education judgement and to judge personal development separately from behaviour and attitudes. Specifically, we very much welcome the new…
NAEE published its response to the Ofsted consultation about its new inspection framework last week. It’s here if you missed it. We told Ofsted that it was time for schools began to take the issues of the world seriously in the curriculum and help students prepare to play a part in addressing them. NAEE also contributed to (and supported) the…
Ofsted recently launched a consultation seeking views on its proposals for changes to the education inspection framework from September 2019. NAEE has contributed to (and supported) the response to Ofsted made by the Natural Environment Sector Partnership [NESP], which is organised by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom on behalf of the learning outside the classroom sector. …
LEEF will be editing a special edition of NAEE’s journal Environmental Education later this year. It will have a focus on urban environmental education, celebrating 30 years of LEEF and showcasing the best projects and thinking across the network. LEEF soon be inviting contributions for abstracts. . A report from the Committee on Climate Change calls UK homes unfit for…
Mr Gove has written in support of the UK school students striking for climate change. He did not suggest they do this when he was Secretary of State for Education in the Coalition government. Meanwhile, the current Secretary of State for Education disagreed. Speaking at the annual ASCL conference last week, Damian Hinds urged children to stop walking…