Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
NAEE published its response to the Ofsted consultation about its new inspection framework last week. It’s here if you missed it. We told Ofsted that it was time for schools began to take the issues of the world seriously in the curriculum and help students prepare to play a part in addressing them. NAEE also contributed to (and supported) the…
Ofsted recently launched a consultation seeking views on its proposals for changes to the education inspection framework from September 2019. NAEE has contributed to (and supported) the response to Ofsted made by the Natural Environment Sector Partnership [NESP], which is organised by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom on behalf of the learning outside the classroom sector. …
LEEF will be editing a special edition of NAEE’s journal Environmental Education later this year. It will have a focus on urban environmental education, celebrating 30 years of LEEF and showcasing the best projects and thinking across the network. LEEF soon be inviting contributions for abstracts. . A report from the Committee on Climate Change calls UK homes unfit for…
Mr Gove has written in support of the UK school students striking for climate change. He did not suggest they do this when he was Secretary of State for Education in the Coalition government. Meanwhile, the current Secretary of State for Education disagreed. Speaking at the annual ASCL conference last week, Damian Hinds urged children to stop walking…
LEEF has announce the launch of an exploratory workshop series: Shaking it up! EE revolution in our schools. The workshops are co-ordinated by Poppy Flint and members of the Environmental Education Research Group at King’s College London [KCL] and are inspired by the two reports published by KCL last year on Understanding Environmental Education in Secondary Schools in England.…
Here’s a further set of evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from Natural England. This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and practice in…
Students on Climate Strike. The following letter appeared in The Times last Friday. One of the very many signatories was NAEE trustee, Morgan Phillips: Sir, Children and young people taking part in the school strikes for climate are to be commended, not ridiculed. The UN intergovernmental panel on climate change has said that we need to take…
The website of the International League of Conservation Photographers has a blog by Melissa Groo titled: From Wild to Captive: A Call for Ethics in Modern Nature Photography. The post is written because of a perceived lack of ethics in relation to capturing images of wild creatures. This problem applies to moving images as well, of course, and…
The latest NAEE journal [Vol 120] was published last week. It has a focus on the sustainable development goals and you can see the contents here. The article that explores the embedding of the goals in the curriculum is available on line. This is by Joyce Hallam the geography consultant and a voluntary support worker and advisory group member of the…
The Fall 2018 edition of Canada’s Green Teacher (Vol 118) has been published. Here are the contents: Plastic Grass isn’t Greener by Rochelle Rubinstein An exploration of the environmental and human health hazards of artificial turf in our schools and communities Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals by Grace Van Mil A new strategy for engaging students on…