Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

15th August 2022

John Burton – Conservation veteran John Burton, co-founder with his wife, Viv, of the World Land Trust – died on Biodiversity Day.  You can read an appreciation of his life here. . Working Report – The Sustainability and Climate Change Education Working Group is a collaboration between Leeds Trinity University and the Teacher Development Trust.  It brings together expertise across nursery, primary, secondary and higher education…

8th August 2022

  EIS Webinars – The Educational Institute of Scotland says make learning for sustainability your new academic year’s resolution.  The Institute is running Putting Learning for Sustainability at the heart of practice professional learning webinars in September.  You can choose from early years, primary and secondary. . Earth Echo – If you are or know a young (13-25) environmental leader that wants…

Wild Bees and Green Teacher

The Summer edition of Canada’s Green Teacher magazine (Vol 132) is now available. The bulk of this issue is dedicated to wild native bees and it has been produced in partnerships with Friends of the Earth Canada. There are two freely available articles: Leaf Your Devices at Home by Britta MooreA lesson plan to combat plant blindness The Lives…

1st August 2022

Gaia + James Lovelock died last week on his 103rd birthday.  Here is the obituary from the Guardian.  He will be forever associated with the Gaia theory of a self-regulating Earth, but his achievements were much wider than this through his inventions and experiments.  For example, he alerted the world to the presence of CFC gases in the atmosphere although he…

Our Need to be Fully Human

Today’s post is by Mary Colwell the author and activist who did so much to bring OCR’s natural history GCSE to fruition. Mary is Director of Curlew Action and the author of Beak, Tooth and Claw – Living with predators in Britain (William Collins 2021), Curlew Moon (William Collins 2018), and John Muir – the Scotsman who…

25th July 2022

A response to the DfE Strategy written by co-chairs of the UK Schools Sustainability Network operations group, Helen Burge (Priory Learning Trust, Somerset) and Paul Edmond (Heart Academies Trust, Beds), is on the Education Executive website.  The UKSSN Ops Group was founded after COP26 in order to bring together the voices of school business leaders who are key to…

The Extinction of Botanical Education

A research team from the UK and Ireland have a paper in the journal Ecology and Evolution which explores “the botanical education extinction and the fall of plant awareness”. This is the Abstract: “Civilization is dependent upon plants for survival. Plants permeate our every moment and our relationship with them will dictate how we will…