Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Eco-schools Roadshow

The 2015 Eco-schools roadshow is ready to roll.  You can spend a day at an Eco-Schools Ambassador school exploring the Eco-Schools programme.  The events are: June 24: St. Mary’s, Colchester…book now July 2: Bootham School, York….book now July 15: Cardinal Allen High School, Fylde, Lancashire….book now September 15: Bruton School for Girls, Somerset….book now September 23: Keep Britain Tidy, Shoreditch, London….book now  September 29: The…

Sustainable Schools Conference

You can register here for the 2015 Sustainable Schools Conference in Bristol on July 2nd.  As part of Bristol’s Green Capital 2015 activities, the University of Bristol, the Sustainable Schools Alliance, and SEEd, will host this year’s conference.  You will be able to … Engage your pupils through peer-to-peer learning with student volunteers from the University of Bristol Share your…

Green Teacher

Green Teacher is a Canadian environmental education journal – similar to NAEE’s Environmental Education.  It is offering insights into its work with free access to two of the articles published in its latest edition.  They are: Taking Kids to the Community “Shoot” down Nature Deficit Disorder

Green space and children’s mental development

Research in Barcelona, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and reported in the Guardian, explores the relationship between children’s exposure to green spaces at school, and their learning.  The Guardian report says: “The researchers carried out mental performance tests on 2,593 children aged seven to 10 attending 36 primary schools in Barcelona every three months…

The Children and Nature Network

The Children and Nature Network is the other American ‘CNN’.  Its vision is a world in which all children play, learn and grow with nature in their everyday lives, and the project grew out of the book: Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. CNN provides a weekly roundup of news, commentary, events and…

Action for Renewables

Action for Renewables campaigns for the development of renewable energy across the country. Its vision is of a future Britain powered in large part from clean, green and secure renewable energy sources, combatting climate change, and it is working to build a strong and active coalition of renewables supporters, including ordinary people, environmental campaigners and…

NAEE’s curriculum guides for schools

NAEE’s Curriculum Guides for Schools Green Steel: the transition away from carbon Manufacturing steel without huge CO2 emissions – to produce green steel – is an important industrial priority and a great challenge. This resource is aimed at secondary school science teachers. It explores what steel-makers are doing to find low-carbon and zero-carbon routes to…

A Daily Dose of Nature

Have you caught up with Gary Mantle’s blog: A Daily Dose of Nature? Gary is Chief Executive of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and President of the Sensory Trust, but his blog  provides personal reflections about his experiences of nature with occasional comments on both environmental issues, generally, and on how both Trusts are working to reconnect people and nature.…