Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
A recent report in the Guardian’s Environment section said that 1.3bn tonnes of food, about a third of all that is produced, is wasted every year. This includes about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of fish and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat. The Guardian also details a…
Are you a member of CLOtC? If you are, you’ll know that the recent members’ newsletter contained: curriculum updates to help you make what you do more effective ideas on fundraising information about resources and events to help you provide effective learning experiences. Examples included: There is a wealth of research, including Ofsted guidance, which demonstrates that learning outside…
Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, will be the keynote speaker at a Montessori conference in London on March 12th 2016, and he may be staying on for a few more days for other presentations. We’ll keep you informed. We think that there a quite a few children in the woods these days, but we do…
If so, do you know Outdoor Families magazine? If not, you can sample the November edition here, and see what it has to offer.
Here’s a YouTube video made by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust about what it does. Derbyshire Wildlife Trust has 44 members of staff, supported by 478 volunteers and 13,953 members. Established in 1962, it manages 42 nature reserves across windows ultimate key Derbyshire, covering more than 688 hectares. It is part of a nationwide network of 47…
The Government has just made available a funding programme of £1.5 million to support the creation of pocket parks in deprived urban areas outside London. Communities are invited to submit applications, with the support of their local authority, for up to £10,000 capital and up to £5,000 resource (revenue) funding. The deadline is 5:00pm on Thursday 10…
Think Global is recruiting for two Programme Managers. At least one of them has to be a qualified teacher, but the other could have other relevant experience. Here’s the link to the information on their website. The closing date is Monday 30th November – in two weeks.
Ben Ballin, from Tide~ global learning, has contributed a post to the Cambridge Primary Review Blog. It’s titled From pessimism to hope: global learning and sustainability, and you can read it here. It begins: When the Cambridge Primary Review conducted its Community Soundings in 2007, it encountered a widespread sense of the world as a threatening place for children. The Review’s Final…
Wind power generated a record 140% of Denmark’s electricity needs one day this autumn. This enabled the country to export surplus energy to neighbours including Germany, Norway and Sweden. Data shows that Denmark generated 116% of its electricity needs from wind turbines, and that by 3am one Friday morning the figure had increased to 140%.…
The Economist has a readable article on the current El Niño which is already wreaking its chaos on the world’s weather systems and economies. There’s a great map which shows that where the losers are from all this – and where the winners are as well, as El Niño is a double-edged sword with rich…