Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
The next Countryside Classroom newsletter, due for circulation on 8th January 2016, is going to be themed on the topic of Sustainability. While some sections, such as Events and Training, will continue to cover the whole spectrum of Countryside Classroom’s interests, in other areas we would like to focus particularly on activities, resources, advice or organisations…
These visually delightful books are designed to be an individual’s ‘spot and learn, stick and play’ book. The pages are of thick glossy wipe clean card, so would be suitable for taking out and about, however the beautiful illustrations give these publications a sense of being special and something to look after – I for…
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) recently launched a new global education programme at the National Wildlife Crime conference in London – aimed at the next generation of wildlife protectors. IFAW, which works around the globe to tackle illegal wildlife crime, joined wildlife crime officers and leading wildlife experts from around the UK at…
Project Dirt is looking for local Project Dirt champions. These are enthusiastic connectors with the passion to drive community activity and resilience across the UK. There will be training and the chance to join the Dirter team. If you are interested in finding out more, then email An update on Dirt’s projects is here.
The Government is to create a national litter strategy to help address the dreadful litter problem that is found across the whole country. This has been welcomed by Keep Britain Tidy, which says it reflects its campaigning for government leadership on the issue of litter. However, KBT thinks that the Government should have taken specific action on littering from vehicles…
The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, and you can read it in full here. Jobs in this edition include: Experienced Bat Surveyors, Ecosa (working mainly in Hampshire & Home Counties) Ecologist or Senior Ecologist, Ecosa Evidence and Knowledge Manager, Wildlife Trust Wales (location negotiable) Junior Ecologists, an Arboricultural Consultant, Senior or Principal Bat Specialist…
Climate Action reports that UK environmental experts have called on businesses to lead a clean energy “revolution” to boost energy efficiency and combat climate change. Lord Bourne, the UK Under-Secretary of State for Climate Change, and Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director & Trustee of Forum for the Future, addressed business leaders and government officials at The Crystal…
A couple of months ago, we reported on a conference in Telford that NAEE attended: Growing up Green and Global. Now, a 10 minute video of the events has been released on YouTube. It’s here with an introduction from Chris Southwood who put the whole thing together.
If you visit the Science Museum on 15 December, you’ll find a special day of events to mark the launch of the first British European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake to the International Space Station (ISS). The Launch Watch the launch live on giant screens. At 10.30-11.15 Unlimited – All ages Destination Space Storytelling for KS1 From…
A study released recently has found evidence linking the use of pesticides with declines of butterflies and moths in the UK. In light of this Butterfly Conservation is asking for help to carry out more detailed analysis to find specific proof that these chemicals are responsible so we can persuade the Government to review their use. The study, by Stirling…