Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

EatBy App

EatBy App are encouraging families to turn fruit and vegetables into characters and to upload photographs onto the app and on social media. “We want to encourage kids to learn more about fruit and vegetables with their family, and become experts in avoiding food waste,” said Barbara Lewis, one of the founders of EatBy. Food…

Look out for hibernating butterflies

Butterfly Conservation reminds us that the UK has several species of butterfly that overwinter as adults.  The Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Brimstone and Comma butterflies remain dormant, usually from late summer through until early spring. Brimstone and Comma usually find shelter outdoors in evergreen foliage or log piles, but the Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock prefer enclosed…

Catch up with FACE news

You can catch up with what Farming and Countryside Education [FACE] has been up to recently here. There are details of new resources about why farming matters, the problems of fly-tipping, and what’s happening to our bees. And there’s a regional feature on Somerset’s Is several and gives. Becomes – months cialis reviews a to…

Wildscreen Update

Do you follow what Windscreen is doing?  It now has a range of initiatives: Wildscreen Arkive – the world’s leading online natural world encyclopaedia; Wildscreen Exchange – a unique global hub that empowers conservation organisations by connecting them with world-leading filmmakers and photographers to create ground-breaking communications about our natural world; Wildscreen Festival – the internationally renowned festival…


Have you looked at the Wastebuster website recently? Wastebuster aims to empower children to reduce waste in school and take their learning out of the classroom and into their home, community and the wider world. The programme offers a video rich, multimedia teaching resource with cross-curricular films, practical activities and resources to make Wastebusting an…

Re-wildling for the environmental educator

Today’s guest blog is by Geoffrey Guy who lectures at Reaseheath College.  Geoff is the Director of Education for Bushcraft Education Ltd, and the founder of the Bushcraft Education blog. Re-wildling for the environmental educator It’s tempting in environmental education or sustainability education to get enthusiastic about new and revolutionary ideas about sustainability and start to promote them; ideas…

COP21 – an education news round-up

UNESCO has a webpage devoted to educational activities at the COP21 climate change conference in Paris. The following resources are available at that link:   –  Not just hot air: Putting climate change education into practice –  Climate Change in the classroom: UNESCO course for Secondary Teachers –  UNESCO/UNEP YouthXchange Guidebook on Climate Change and…