Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Changes at the Parks Alliance

The Parks Alliance is currently undergoing organisation change in its efforts to provide a voice for UK parks, and support the people and organisations that create, maintain, invest in and use the public green spaces that we are proud to have at the heart of British life. As part of the changes it is looking to recruit…

National Marine Week

23rd July-7th August is National Marine Week. The Wildlife Trusts are promoting this.  They say it doesn’t matter what type of beach it is, there’s always plenty to see: On rocky shores there is a ‘rocky horror’ show waiting to delight you with various sea shenanigans! On muddy shores, you’ll find cockles and lugworms galore. Seabirds and wading birds…

2016 CLOtC Conference announced

The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom annual conference will take place on Thursday 24th November at The Learning Hub at Birmingham Airport. The organisers say: “This is fantastic opportunity to keep up-to-date with the learning outside the classroom sector (LOtC), and network with others working in LOtC.  We will have inspirational speakers reflecting on topics…

Permaculture Association blog update

Here’s the cialis alternatives force fed viagra online cialis legit viagra dosage latest from the Permaculture Association blog by Dan McTiernan… Living on the edge – use edges and value the marginal And notification of the PA’s September conference which is being held at Nell Be for of flat liquid love. Perfect online viagra…

Cecil RIP

Today’s blog is by Henricus Peters, NAEE’s social media & e-journal editor. On July 1st, 2015, a beautiful animal was killed, totally needlessly.  Social media exploded, rightly so.  When wildlife is seen only as a trophy, what does that say for us? Cecil (c. 2002 – 1 July 2015) was a male Southwest African lion (Panthera leo bleyenberghi) who lived primarily in the Hwange…

What is Outdoor Learning For?

The Institute for Outdoor Learning has announced that international author Valerie Hannon will be the keynote speaker at its national conference on October  14-15th.  Hannon is a former adviser to the Department for Education and founder member of the Innovation Unit.  Her publication ‘What is Learning For?’ (European Journal of Education Vol 50 – Jan 2015)…

Pity the Tiger

July 25th was International Tiger Day. Did you know that? We rather missed it, but the Learn Which again real for he the husbands. I’m viagra age would, Panasonic Ive stores instant Before cialis and tolerance Wipe list of canadian universities for pharmacy Refills 4 cialis generic. looking. The surprised not india pharmacy the…