Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) says that there’s never been a better time to become a member. If you join now your membership will not be due for renewal until April 2019. Benefits for members A free copy of the new CLOtC Members’ Guide to LOtC Free CPD modules for members A free copy…
Policy Press has recently published a number of new titles in environmental and urban studies. These include: Mapping environmental sustainability: Reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research Edited by Sue Oreszczyn and Andy Lane – Hardback £75.00 ISBN: 978-1-4473-3157-5; epub £26.99 ISBN: 978-1-4473-3531-3; Amazon Kindle £26.99 ISBN: 978-1-4473-3532-0; epdf ISBN: 978-1-4473-3158-2 – Explains the development of visual mapping…
1. NAAEE says that EUGENE is an easy-to-use tool to help “evaluate knowledge gain as a result of your program”. It’s here. EUGENE stands for Ecological Understanding as a Guideline for Evaluation of Nonformal Education. The website is devoted to the work of Eugene Odum who thought that “if an individual understood the principles of ecology, he or she would…
The latest blogs from the Science Geek have been about our developing understanding of the Earth’s position in the cosmos in relation to other bodies and systems. The first, Geocentric Cosmology, was about the basis of the geocentric model which placed the Earth at the heart of things. The second, Copernicus, is about the science that introduced heliocentric theory. As ever,…
Here are 5 more Wildlife Watch Guest Blogs to supplement the ones we published the other day: 6. The benefits of outdoor learning Marina Robb, author of ‘Learning with Nature: A how-to guide to inspiring children through outdoor games and activities’, talks about the benefits of outdoors learning in this beautiful blog post. Give it a…
Click here to read about how one school inspired its local community to protect pollinators – there’s a video as well. Earlier this year a group of enterprising and creative Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils from St Alban’s Primary School in Hampshire won the Polli:Nation Project’s ‘Art with a Message’ competition for their ‘Pollinator Promise’…
Wildlife Watch publishes a lot of Guest Blogs. These contain “inspirational stories, advice and ‘wild’ ideas from our teenage and young supporters. They share how they spend their wild time, the conservation issues that they are passionate about and tonnes of ways that you can get in touch with nature.” Here are some recent examples: 1. The…
1. NAEE will be represented at St George’s House, Windsor, this week, at a consultation with a focus on young people and the sustainable development goals. There will be a range of short presentations about what goal-related work is trying to achieve from across the UK with presentations from NGOs and schools about how they go about this important…
The New Naturalists Online is an internet bookseller which specialises in books about the natural world. Recently Published books include: Falcons Alien Plants Slugs and Snails Brecon Beacons Early Humans It includes a print-on-demand service for past editions. Currently, NNOL is featuring special editions of Farming and Birds by Ian Newton. The website says: More than…
Today’s post is an extract from the Webwatch section of the latest edition of NAEE’s journal Environmental Education [Vol 116]. Bioblitz from the Bristol Natural History Consortium is a major leader in biological surveys. The Natural History Museum has produced a down-loadable guide to running a BioBlitz, and the National Trust runs similar surveys on its own properties,…