Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Wildlife Watch publishes a lot of Guest Blogs. These contain “inspirational stories, advice and ‘wild’ ideas from our teenage and young supporters. They share how they spend their wild time, the conservation issues that they are passionate about and tonnes of ways that you can get in touch with nature.” Here are some recent examples: 1. The…
1. NAEE will be represented at St George’s House, Windsor, this week, at a consultation with a focus on young people and the sustainable development goals. There will be a range of short presentations about what goal-related work is trying to achieve from across the UK with presentations from NGOs and schools about how they go about this important…
The New Naturalists Online is an internet bookseller which specialises in books about the natural world. Recently Published books include: Falcons Alien Plants Slugs and Snails Brecon Beacons Early Humans It includes a print-on-demand service for past editions. Currently, NNOL is featuring special editions of Farming and Birds by Ian Newton. The website says: More than…
Today’s post is an extract from the Webwatch section of the latest edition of NAEE’s journal Environmental Education [Vol 116]. Bioblitz from the Bristol Natural History Consortium is a major leader in biological surveys. The Natural History Museum has produced a down-loadable guide to running a BioBlitz, and the National Trust runs similar surveys on its own properties,…
“YES, I’ve found another rock!” “I like that one; I like its shape and colour.” Watching the children sift through the finds as they were dug from the trench was fascinating; their curiosity for the objects (mostly rocks) that were dug up was something that I can completely relate to, given my curious fascination with…
IUCN is continuing to digitise its huge archive of reports. Created in 1948, IUCN is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organisations. As the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, it harnesses the knowledge and expertise of its 1,300 Member organisations and the input of some 16,000 experts to provide…
A new Activity Kit from Think Global explores the topical concept of waste food and waste plastics. It investigate the reasons why so much food is wasted and evaluate possible ways of reducing this. Think Global says: In the UK, there is now year-round access to a mind-boggling array of foods, transported from the furthest reaches…
1. NAEE is encouraging everyone with an interest in environmental education to respond to the global Call for Action from the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP). Here’s a video to watch which explains the background, and you can respond to the call here and help shape the future. 2. Juliet Robertson asks: Do you worry about ensuring basic literacy skills…
Our Webwatch post on Wednesday featured some of the ideas of Harriet Marshall about the sustainable development goals in the curriculum. In particular, we featured her propositions that the SDGs can … bridge subject divides help schools reflect upon what they do and why be ways of addressing controversial and complex local, national and international issues…
If you’ve ever been confused by the many different learning theories that surround us, you might find this map of interest. It has been created by participants in the EU-funded HoTEL project. (HOlistic approach to Technology Enhanced Learning) is a support action of the 7th Framework Programme which aims to design, develop and test a support model for…