February 25th 2019

Did you see any of the young people’s climate demonstrations on the 15th of February?   And do you know anyone who went on strike to protest about the lack of attention to climate by government?  No doubt you will have views on the rights and wrongs of this sort of action.  Here’s what our…

More updates from Natural England

This post sets out links to recent (Autumn 2018) evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and…

February 18th 2019

Darwin Day occurred last week (February 12th) and we wonder how many schools took the time to mention this and celebrate it with their students.  Did yours?  The day is used to highlight Darwin’s contribution to science (and our understanding of life) and to promote science in general. At a time when so many across…

The ‘impact’ agenda: how does it influence our practice?

Today’s blog is by NAEE Fellow Melissa Glackin from King’s College, London. ‘Does the policy-making process engage authentically with practice?’ This is one of the important questions that colleagues at King’s College London are exploring in the ESRC-funded study: Rethinking Impact, Evaluation and Accountability in Youth Work.  This week I had the good fortune to attend…

February 11th 2019

The latest NAEE journal is being mailed out to members this month.  It’s a special feature on how the sustainable development goals are being explored in schools and NGOs.  We would have liked to have used the new potato starch-based polymer as the cover to send them out but the 75,000 minimum posting was a little above our usual…

Green Schools Project update

The Green Schools Project has a blog and you can see the archive here.  You’ll see that the latest post is about Extinction Rebellion and school climate strikes. The first UK youth school climate strike was in London in December.  This  was arranged in only a few days and attracted around 12 school students.  Since then young people…

February 4th 2019

The Freshwater Habitats Trust says it wants to hear from us about the frog and toad spawn that we spot in garden, community and country ponds.   The details of this year’s spawn survey are here and the survey runs until the end of May.  Meanwhile, you can take a look at the 2018 records on the interactive map created by Merseyside Biobank. . BBC Radio…

Spot 50 Garden Birds

I use these ‘Spot 50’ books all the time when working outside with children (other titles include wildflowers, trees and insects).  They are easy to navigate as a simple field guide, and contain just the right level and amount of information about each species.  Each species has its own page, with a large labelled picture…

NAEE at the ASE conference

What follows is an account by Juliette Green of the presentations NAEE made at the recent ASE conference.  This will be published in the next NAEE journal (Vol 120) which has a focus on the sustainable development goals. On Thursday 10thJanuary 2019, NAEE volunteers (Juliette Green, Nina Hatch and Bill Scott) attended the Association for…

January 28th 2019

The Environmental News Network reports that global carbon emissions reached a record high in 2018.   ENN says that a Columbia Engineering study, published in Nature, confirms the urgency to tackle climate change. It says: While it’s known that extreme weather events can affect the year-to-year variability in carbon uptake, and some researchers have suggested that there may be longer-term effects,…