Hillcrest School & Sixth Form Centre visit Birmingham Botanical Gardens

This is an account of the visit in January by a Year 8 group from Hillcrest School & Sixth Form Centre to Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses as part of NAEE’s Hugh Kenrick Days bursary scheme.  It’s written by class teacher Mrs G. Sanger. With the support of the National Association for Environmental Education and a Hugh Kenrick Days bursary,…

May 27th Report

The UK Student Climate Network [UKSCN] has issued an open letter to government and educational institutions.  It’s a radical read.  The students’ broad demands are that … 1 – the Government declare a climate emergency and implement a Green New Deal to achieve Climate Justice. 2 – the national curriculum is reformed to address the ecological…

May 20th Report

The four Oxford Cheney school students, whose on-line petition calls for climate change to be made a core part of the national curriculum and for sustainability to be made a serious concern within the education system are asking for: The ecological and climate crisis to be made an educational priority Well founded, evidence based training for teachers so…

Children and Nature Network research

Here’s a link to the latest research digest from the Children & Nature Network.  The work reported is: Attention Restoration Green Schoolyards & Surrounding Greenness Link between Childhood Experiences and Adults’ Connectedness to Nature Research Tools Social-Emotional Benefits Special Needs Here’s more detail on two of these: Natural environments near schools are positively linked to the…

May 13th Report

A motion at the NAHT conference seeking support for climate change lessons in schools was passed unanimously.  This adds to pressure for change and mirrors the motion passed by the NEU conference at Easter (full details here).  We will report back on what happens as a result.   The Young Environmental Project is a new competition…

May 7th Report

If you click here, you will find the petition by Izzy Lewis, Kamila Chamcham, Rasha Alsouleman and Lucy Gibbons from Cheney School on change.org  who are deeply concerned about the damage we’re doing to our planet and how it will affect our futures.  They say that climate change is the biggest issue of our time,…

From a Cumbrian Headteacher

Today’s blog is by Graham Frost, headteacher of Robert Ferguson Primary School in Carlisle.  Graham blogs at: cumbriahead.wordpress.com and this post is reproduced here with his permission.  You can follow Graham @GrahamFrost Educators should give young people knowledge and understanding about climate change, but then allow them to speak out about it. School leaders have a…