This is a review by Gen Upton of I Am Turtle.
The performance of I Am Turtle by the Makeshift Ensemble on 30th May 2019 was luckily blessed by clement weather. Visually it was exciting! All of the props and set were imaginatively put together from reclaimed materials as befits a children’s play with an environmental message.
The audience, ranging in age from babyhood to grandparents, were amused and captivated – but the strong story about the effects of plastic pollution in the oceans came through. Performers used music, puppetry, song, props and poetic rhyme to make sure that the variety helped retain the attention of everyone.
As a mum observed:
“The future for these kids will be about caring for the world and this play introduced that reality.”
For more information about the play, and to see remaining dates, click here.
Picture credit: Juliette Green