Natural England’s mid-Summer update

Here’s a further selection of research and other reports related to learning and the environment collated by Natural England. An Affective Measure of Nature Connectedness for Children and Adults: Validation, Performance and Insights. Richardson, Hunt, Hinds, Bragg, Fido, Petronzi, Barbett, Clitherow, and White. – Journal of Nature Conservation. To establish the reliability of the new…

September 2nd 2019

NAAEE has announced its latest group of environmental education leaders who are under 30 years old.  NAAEE says: These inspirational leaders are using environmental education to address environmental and social issues in communities around the world. This incredible group consists of teachers, conservationists, researchers, and social entrepreneurs that are addressing issues that range from mitigating tensions between…

A CITES update

This is an update from the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation about the first week of the meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) which regulates the trade of such species by subjecting individual species to certain levels of control.  These are represented under three appendices which can be found here. Elephants currently sit…

August 26th Report

GEEP – the Global Environmental Education Partnership – asks if you have any recently published resources, innovative programmes, forthcoming opportunities, or other updates you want to share with the GEEP network?  The next issue of GEEP News is coming out in mid-September so please send submissions to no later than August 31.  . Meanwhile in the UK, a secondary geography teacher…

Natural England’s early Summer Update

Here’s a selection of research and other reports related to learning and the environment collated by Natural England. The Impact of Participation in an Outdoor Education Program on Physical Education Teacher Education Student Self-efficacy to Teach Outdoor Education K Hovey, D Niland, JT Foley – Journal of Teaching in Physical Education Results indicated a significant increase…

August 19th Report

Our colleagues at NAAEE are offering the following resources for students and educators: Nature and Nurture: Understanding the Psychology of Pro-Environmental Behavior Do younger generations care more about global warming? International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) Volume 6, Number 2 Children’s Book “Scientists Get Dressed” Explores What Scientists Wear to Make New Discoveries, Save Lives,…

Conservation through Creative Writing

This article  by Elizabeth Joy Levinson is a free download from the Autumn 2018 Green Teacher magazine.  This is how it begins: RECENT RESEARCH has shown that narrative structure has a powerful impact on the human brain. Studies in neuroscience and narrative structure support this idea; some researchers are finding that narrative structures such as those used in fiction and poetry…

Getting Started in the Forest

Today’s blog is a case study of introducing outdoor learning into a primary school by Rebecca Wilkinson, Teaching Trees Programme Officer, at the Royal Forestry Society. The Royal Forestry’s Society’s Teaching Trees Programme is undertaking a two year pilot programme in Staffordshire to offer free training and consultancy to primary schools with the aim of increasing…

August 12th Report

We’re pleased to welcome Henry Greenwood as our latest NAEE Fellow. Henry is founder and managing director of Green Schools Project, a social enterprise he set up in 2015.  He is also a Maths teacher who, while teaching at Kingsmead School in Enfield, developed the role of Sustainability Coordi­nator, assembling a group of students who embarked…

Nature Friendly Schools

Nature Friendly Schools is one of three projects within the Children and Nature programme which is a flagship programme for the 25 Year Environment Plan, led jointly by Natural England, Defra and Department for Education and with a budget of £10m. The Children and Nature programme has two priority outcomes, to achieve ‘positive benefits to pupils’ mental health and wellbeing…