Taking Science into the City

Today’s blog comes from the Wild Awake project which is a not for profit social enterprise.  Its purpose is to develop and provide learning which inspires change towards a more sustainable planet, and support people to live healthy and happy lives which respect natural limits.  It achieves this through providing learning which reconnects people with the natural…

June 15th 2020

NAEE has worked with COBIS – the Council of British International Schools – over the past few months to develop and then judge the 2020 COBIS Eco Film Awards.  This encouraged students in COBIS member schools to make videos about the work they were doing in their schools [i] to learn about environmental and sustainability issues, and [ii]…

The COBIS Eco Film Awards

NAEE worked with COBIS – the Council of British International Schools – over the past few months to develop and then judge the 2020 COBIS Eco Film Awards.  This encouraged students in COBIS member schools to make videos about the work they were doing in their schools [i] to learn about environmental and sustainability issues, and [ii] to…

Green Teacher Vol 121

Every edition of Green Teacher comes with a number of open-access articles in addition to those that are restricted to members.  The Fall 2019 2020 edition [ Vol 121 ] contained the following two articles: Escape the Mundane By Matt Downs Creating a digital escape room to engage students This begins: As a science educator, I…

June 8th 2020

NAEE was pleased to receive an honourable mention for its curriculum guides at the launch of the consultation for the OCR Natural History GCSE.  The guides’ careful analysis of the way that the national curriculum provides opportunities for the study of environmental and ecological issues was described as “brilliant work”.  If you’ve not come across these, you…

June 1st 2020

Turning learning inside out  The Department for Education’s COVID-19 guidance on implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings recommends considering which lessons or classroom activities could take place outdoors.  As a result, the organisations involved in helping schools take teaching and learning beyond the classroom have united to help schools by enabling high-quality learning experiences in…

May 25th 2020

Here’s an update from across the Atlantic from NAAEE.  This includes: Let’s Keep Learning from Each Other: Help GEEP Reach 100 Country Profiles!  GEEP is aiming high! Join our campaign to have 100 country profiles on our website by World Environment Day on June 5. We’ll feature new profiles on social media; share your story now!…

George Monbiot, the environmental educator

George Monbiot’s latest blog (also in the Guardian on May 13th) is titled: The University of Life.  It’s about his discovery of environmental education: “… During the lockdown, I’ve been doing something I’ve long dreamt about: experimenting with an ecological education.  I can’t claim to have found it easy, or to have got it all…

May 18th 2020

NAEE has published its obituary on Vice-President Anne Kenrick whose personal vision and benevolence gave rise to the Association’s Hugh Kenrick Bursary Scheme.  This is her abiding legacy.  Written by Executive Director Nina Hatch, the obituary charts the development of Anne’s interests in the natural world and environmental education, and her links with NAEE.  ∫∫∫ . CJS, the Countryside…