
Lyfta describes itself as an immersive learning platform where teachers can build or curate powerful, interactive and curriculum-aligned lessons that bring learning to life. It sets out to help educators to engage and inspire digitally-native children and young people, foster critical skills and values for navigating our changing world, and broaden horizons by giving children…

June 14th 2021

Peers for the Planet – Lord Knight of Weymouth has introduced an Education (Environment and Sustainable Citizenship) Bill into the House of Lords. This aims to “make provision in the national curriculum regarding sustainable citizenship and protection of the environment.” You can track its progress here. Lord Knight came 6th in the ballot for private…

Natural England Research Update

More from Natural England. Following last week’s post, this is a further round up by Natural England of recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for…

Keep off the Grass?

Today’s post is by Rob Milne who has worked as an artist and then a gardener, mostly in walled gardens growing vegetables and fruit. He has worked with schools on gardening projects and long campaigned for food gardening to be brought into the school curriculum. Rob has a BSc in Habitat and Soil Management and…

June 7th 2021

From Little Acorns – Lost Woods is a project designed to inspire, educate and empower young people about their environment. In March 2020, it distributed almost 50,000 sessile oak acorns to 135 primary schools across Glasgow to enable children to grow oak trees. Resources and lesson plans were designed by teachers to fit to each…

Natural England Research Update

This is part of a recent round up by Natural England of recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better…

May 31st 2021

Don’t Melt it – A poem by Ben Cross, 13, and poster by 9-year old Amelia Stace, have been selected by Downing Street as the winning entries in a competition to welcome the G7 meeting to Cornwall. Amelia’s poster shows the world as an ice cream in danger of melting, with the caption: “Don’t melt…

The Forest Education Network

It’s a while since we caught up with the blogs posted by FEN: the Forest Education Network, but here are a few of them: Take lessons outside to support mental health – was written by Place2Be in Children’s Mental Health Week, which was launched in 2015. How to aid Student Growth In and Outside the Classroom – was…

Nature as Teacher – Systems thinking

Today’s blog is the latest in a series from Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, ran the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, launching a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability.  As ever, with our blogs, Richard’s views are not necessarily shared by…

May 24th 2021

Boycotting Carbon Capture – The UK Student Climate Network is urging a boycott the London Science Museum’s new climate exhibition: Our Future Planet, which is opening later this month because Shell is a sponsor.  The UKSCN argument is that “it is appalling that Shell, a company causing mass environmental degradation, is sponsoring an exhibition on…