December 13th 2021

Leadership from our President – Click here to read what NAEE’s President, Prof Justin Dillon, has to say about the DfE’s draft climate education strategy.  This has been developed from an input he gave at NAEE’s AGM in November in response to the question: after 50 years of environmental education, what now?  His response critiques the strategy and suggests ways in…

EE and the DfE draft strategy on Sustainability and Climate Change: 5 Proposals for Action

After 50 Years of environmental education, what now? was the title of an address to the 2021 NAEE AGM by Prof. Justin Dillon, President of NAEE. What follows is Justin’s write up of his talk incorporating a critique of the DfE’s recently-published draft strategy document into his input. Justin suggests a practical and positive way…

December 6th 2021

Climate Education – Following the DfE’s publication of its draft sustainability and climate change strategy for the education and children’s service systems, it is seeking further engagement and feedback before final publication in April 2022.  DfE has also produced a video overview of its longer-term strategy plans and longer-term vision.  This engagement will be through a User Group, a Youth Panel, and 5 Working…

November 29th 2021

10 Minutes – Labour MP Nadia Whittome (Nottingham East) introduced a ten-minute rule bill into the Commons last Tuesday to require climate change and sustainability to become key content across the school curriculum, integrated into every subject.  The bill is the culmination of her work with Teach the Future on climate education and the decarbonisation of the…

Stop motion animation – forward thinking with ‘Change the Story’

Hannah Brennan Year 4/5 Teacher at Greenacres Primary School, Shropshire & Carolyn Drever English and Outdoor Learning specialist ……………………………………. Change the Story is an Erasmus+ project with partners in Turkey, Hungary, Italy, Austria and the UK. ‘Change the Story empowers pupils to create the future they want: to explore how climate change impacts their lives…

November 22nd 2021

Youth Engagement Panel – The House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee – a cross party group of Members of the House of Lords appointed to consider the environment and climate change – is offering schools and colleges the opportunity to work with the committee and advise on the issues the Committee should look at and the…

Our President reflects on NAEE

Justin Dillon, Professor of Science and Environmental Education at the University of Exeter, has been President of NAEE for the past four years and has been enthusiastically nominated by the Trustee Board and those involved in the day-today running of the Association to continue as President for a further four year period. The Board asked…