Can We Save the Tiger?

‘Can We Save the Tiger?’ is a stunning book. Open it to any page and you can guarantee a visual treat. Vicky White’s illustrations are the real highlight of this plea to curb human caused extinction. The half sketch book, half detailed painting style, where backgrounds and details come and go, gives a stunning fading…

Superworm in the Forest

“Have a forest adventure with Superworm in 2015” – says the Forestry Commission’s website. To help this, the Commission has published a book by Julia Donaldson.  It tells the story of how a superhero worm and his mini-beast friends defeat the ‘villainous Wizard Lizard’.   The Commission says: From 13 March until the end of October, families can enjoy Superworm activity…

Does being in ‘quality nature’ contribute best to human wellbeing?

The University of Essex has produced an (internal circulation only) report for the Wildlife Trusts on the contribution that ‘being in nature’ makes to human wellbeing – particularly our being in natural environments rich in wildlife. Wellbeing benefits from natural environments rich in wildlife: a literature review for The Wildlife Trusts; University of Essex. 2015 You’ll…

The Countryside Classroom

The Countryside Classroom is a new venture from FACE – Farming and Countryside Education.  It is a directory of support for schools and teachers, comprising classroom resources, teacher professional development opportunities and support at visitor locations. FACE is managing the service on behalf of a range of organisations with an interest in children’s in food,…

Polli:Nation – citizen science and environmental education

The University of Stirling is offering a full time PhD studentship in environmental education.  It will involve researching and evaluating  aspects of a school-based citizen science and environmental education project that focuses on pollination.   The project is led by Learning through Landscapes with £1.4m from the Heritage Lottery Fund.  Partners include Buglife, Butterfly Conservation,…


This is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests. There is a huge range of environmental topics here – geography, travel, outdoors, outdoor schools… the biggest challenge is deciding what to use and what NOT! It now has a ‘search’ feature which helps to provide…

Kew Gardens

From Roots to Riches is the ‘BBC Radio 4 25-part series about the relationship between people and plants over the last 250 years. This major new partnership between the BBC and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, tells the story of botany and plant science at Kew Gardens.’ The book that accompanies the radio series will…

Compost Awareness Week May 2015

A Composting and NEW Photographic Competition. Schools and individuals are invited to create a poster to promote the benefits of composting to the environment and as a means of reducing waste sent to landfill. Within this broad remit any composting topic may be featured be it a composting bin, garden or food waste, people or…

London Mapper aims to give comprehensive ideas about issues of the capital – education, welfare, population, health – in the form of maps etc. This website aims to provide comprehensive insights into the state of poverty and inequality in the capital. It is a work in progress and we are just at the start of what…