Ever seen a pine marten?

We certainly haven’t, but the possibility of doing so seems to be on the increase, if a recent report in the Independent is anything to go by.  And not just in Scotland, where these charismatic animals have survived. The Vincent Wildlife Trust is a charity which focuses on our rare mammals and collates any reports of pine martens…

Growing Wild

Project Dirt alerts us to Kew’s Grow Wild.  This awarding funding of £1,000, £2,500 or £4,000 to community groups that want to bring people together to engage with nature or transform a communal space by sowing and growing UK native plants. If your group has an inspiring idea to connect people to nature, then apply before 1…

Another update from San Diego

Here’s Bill Scott’s latest comment from the NAAEE conference in San Diego. I went to a session on whether climate change was changing the face of EE.  Marianne Krasny, from Cornell University, led the session that used data from work done following Hurricane Sandy’s devastation of New Jersey and New York, and there were contributions from the floor about…

The richness of the NAAEE conference

As we noted earlier in the week, our President, Bill Scott, is attending the NAAEE conference in San Diego.  Here’s a comment from him on experiencing the event … The first thing to note is that there are around 1200 people here representing all aspects of environmental education in North America: teachers, NGO staff, university academics,…

President to President

NAEE President, Bill Scott, has been at the North American Association of Environmental Education [NAAEE] conference, and will be commenting on this on this blog. Whilst there, he met NAAEE President, Pepe Marcos-Iga, to compare notes on their two organisations, and on the two presidential roles. The picture shows Pepe and Bill at an event during the conference where the…

John Muir latest

You can follow what the respected John Muir Trust has been doing lately by looking at its Newsletters.  You can read them here. One of its current campaigns relates to footpath restoration on majestic Suilven (pictured).  This is a community-owned mountain in Assynt, whose ancient geological features are recognised within Scotland’s first European Geopark.

How the north americans do it

If you click here, it takes you to the conference website of the North American Association for Environmental Education – NAAEE. The conference is in San Diego this year, and exploring the website will give you insight into how rich environmental education is here.  NAEE president, Bill Scott, is there at the moment, and you…

UK Soil Observatory

The UK Soil Observatory has a map viewer that helps you explore the soil environment where you live and puts soil maps at your fingertips. You can select from over 100 map layers contributed by a range of data providers, covering topics such as soil carbon content, moisture, texture, chemistry and geophysics. You can also search…

The Countryside Classroom

The Countryside Classroom was launched last week. We tried out the Places to Visit page, which says: “Countryside Classroom helps you to arrange high-quality class visits that enhance learning about food, farming and the natural environment.  You can use the filters on the left of this page to help you find the perfect venue in…

Organic News

Here are a few recent updates from the Soil Association: 1. In his new book, Everyday Superfood, Jamie Oliver has championed organic food.  He says that rather than being an unaffordable luxury, organic is just another word for natural.  See: Jamie Oliver  2. On November 5th the Soil Association will hold its 7th annual Soil Symposium. This…

Awards for outstanding contributions to LOtC

The Awards for outstanding contributions to learning outside the classroom recognise some of those committed to ensuring that young people benefit from engaging and motivating learning outside the classroom. The Awards celebrate the richness of experience which LOtC offers young people, and the some of the many fantastic people involved.  The shortlists for each award are here.  Voting…