CLOtC’s updated training programme

The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom’s (CLOtC) has an updated training programme. This is designed to help you ensure that the young people you work with have access to high quality learning outside the classroom (LOtC) experiences.  The new programme will continue to offer experiences that are responsive to needs, and CLOtC has refreshed and…

What bee did I see?

There are around 250 species of bee in the UK, including 24 species of bumblebees, about 225 species of solitary bee and just a single honeybee species. Bumblebees look quite different from honeybees and solitary bees. The most reliable difference is that bumblebees are usually larger, and are always covered with dense hair.  You can use the…

Activity leader apprenticeships

Kingswood is offering activity leader apprenticeships. It says: global rx pharmacy canada If you’re passionate about working in the outdoors, inspiring young people to learn through having fun and helping them to become the best they can be and want the chance to work towards recognised outdoor industry qualifications, then Kingswood could be the place…

Your Green Future

On the 2nd and 3rd of March, 500 students from across Birmingham and Solihull attended Your Green Future, an interactive event which set out to inspire and inform the next generation about the opportunities on offer in ‘green’ industries. Students worked alongside businesses in a range of workshops and had the chance speak to local and…

CJS Update

The Countryside Job Service [CJS], in addition to having information on jobs, also carries stories about environmental and sustainability issues within the UK. This month, there’s a focus on volunteering in association with Conservation Volunteers, a feature on land and countryside management, and on scientific research, results and publications.  

We love the countryside – on TV

A recent Guardian feature on the BBC’s Countryfile programme reported record audience figures of 8.7 million on February 7th.  This was more, it seems, that Call the Midwife even though, in Spring, the two programmes can be quite similar in content.  To put this in perspective it’s is about 60% of the number who watch Eastenders on…

Back to our Roots

Thanks to the Forest Education Network for alerting us to the Tree Council’s urging of us to spare a thought for young trees, and to take part in its annual Tree Care Campaign, which runs from 21st March to 21st September. The campaign encourages communities to spend a little time on regular tree care activities to help trees withstand…