An additional dose of vitamin N

The Children & Nature Network has officially launched its latest the Vitamin N Challenge, a campaign that asks people to find more ways to bring nature into their everyday lives, and inspire others to do the same. For those who already get a regular dose of Vitamin N, here’s an opportunity to think bigger: community gardens,…

Encouraging Dutch children to play outside

All children in the Netherlands were encouraged to play outside on June 10th for the ninth annual “Play Outside Day”, which was begun by the Jantje Beton organization  and children’s channel Nickelodeon. The Children & Nature Network reported: To encourage kids to play outside, activities are organized around the country by parents, community groups, schools and the kids themselves.…

Young Green Briton Chat event

Ecotricity is running a Young Green Briton Chat event at the forthcoming WOMAD, where youngsters aged 11-16 will talk on the three areas that make up 80% of our emissions in Britain – Energy, Transport and Food – as well as on the topic of ‘Making room for Nature’. Each of the four winning…

Songbird Survival

This link takes you to the website of the UK charity, Songbird Survival whose name very aptly says what it’s setting out to do.  In particular, it funds research into the the causes of decline in order to help promote solutions to restore songbird numbers. Details of their research are here.  There’s a news and views…

The Wild Network goes Local

The Wild Network now has over 27 thousand members, ranging from individual parents and teachers, to nature clubs and outdoor leaders.   Its mission is to help kids to roam free, play wild and lead nature-rich lives. You can read the full story and find out how to get involved and share your ideas on their website.

Project Wild Thing

Project Wild Thing, the film by David Bond, speaks to widely held (and commonly accepted) societal fears that children’s and young people’s opportunities to roam freely and independently in ‘the outdoors’ have curtailed considerably in the late 20th and 21st centuries. David Bond is a filmmaker and a father. Things have really changed since he…

Check out Learn from Nature

The Learn from Nature blog is always worth a second look as it sets out to contribute news and ideas to the debate around finding ways of humans living lightly on the Earth. It’s writer (NAEE’s Henricus Peters) says: Humans, as regions and nations, even as individuals, share the Earth with many billions of peoples…