Update from LEEF

LEEF training afternoon: Faith and the environment Friday 11 March 2016, 1.30-6pm, Westminister Abbey Education Centre. This training session will explore the links between faith, plants and the environment in several major world faiths. Discover how environmental educators of all faiths and none are using outdoors spaces to teach environmentalism, spirituality and religious education. The…

Exploring Nature Cycles

Circle of Life Rediscovery is running a training day which it says … “will bring alive the core routines of deep nature connection, giving attendees embodied experiences of games and activities that facilitate nature information, recreation and connection.   It will fill you up with inspirational ideas and experiences in relation to Spring time. We will include…

From Potato to Planet

Here’s a new Soil Association film, ‘From Potato to Planet’. It’s by Aardman Animations and aims to help us understand the importance of soil to the planet.  It also spotlights the role of organic farming and shopping in protecting soils. The Soil Association aims to increase soil organic matter content by 20% in 20 years which would make a difference…

My Outdoors Competition

Natural Connections alerts us to Devon CPRE (the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England) which is supporting outdoor learning with their “My Outdoors” competition which will run from March to June.  it is open to all primary schools  in Devon, Torbay and Plymouth. CPRE Devon hopes to encourage children to engage with and appreciate…

Unesco’s new resource clearinghouse

UNESCO has just released a Clearinghouse on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), containing information, news about events, good practices and links around the Global Action Programme on ESD (GAP).  It aims to serve as an online platform to share knowledge, experiences and competences of the ESD global community of practice. The Clearinghouse comes with a comprehensive Resource Bank, gathering hundreds…